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  • Machine learning is a technique that allows computers to learn from data without being explicitly programmed
  • Automation can benefit from machine learning algorithms by saving money, getting things done faster, and performing better
  • Industrial IOT devices can analyze data using machine learning algorithms to increase productivity and efficiency
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to a computer system's capacity to imitate human cognitive processes like learning and problem-solving
  • AI simulates human decision-making by using math and logic to learn from fresh knowledge
  • Founding fathers of artificial intelligence include John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Herbert Simon, Allen Newell, and Nathaniel Rochester
  • Machine learning is a branch of AI that handles particular problems by learning from data and making predictions
  • AI handles problems that require human intelligence, whereas ML is a branch of AI that handles particular problems by learning from data and making predictions
  • Founding fathers of machine learning include Arthur Samuel, Alan Turing, Claude Shannon, Frank Rosenblatt, and Tom Mitchell
  • Machine learning is used in predictive modeling, image and speech recognition, natural language processing, recommender systems, anomaly detection, robotics, healthcare, finance, generative models, and adversarial machine learning