Pharmacology of Heart Failure

Cards (6)

  • What is the NYHA Functional Classification of HF?
    I - no limitation of physical activity. Ordinary physical activity does not cause fatigue, palpitation, dyspnoea
    II - slight limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest, ordinary activity -> fatigue, palpitation or dyspnoea
    III - Marked limitation of physical activity. Less than ordinary activity causes fatigue, palpitation or dyspnoea
    IV - Unable to carry on any physical activity without discomfort. Symptoms of HF at rest
  • What are the symptoms of left HF?
    Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
    Pulmonary congestion & oedema (crackles)
    Exercise intolerance
  • What are the symptoms of right HF?
    Oedema of legs, ankles, feet
    Hepatomegaly - enlarged, palpable, tender liver
    Excessive nocturnal urination
    Increased JVP
    Exercise intolerance
  • It is common for left & right sided HF to co-exist = biventricular failure
  • What is the 'Vicious Cycle' of HF?
    Injury -> pump failure -> decreased CO -> decreased renal perfusion -> increase renin -> increased Na+ & fluid retention & vasoconstriction
    Increased venous congestion -> increased blood volume -> increased ANP/BNP/CNP
    = Increased afterload & preload -> increased cardiac work -> increased energy consumption -> cardiac remodelling -> worsens pump failure
  • What diuretics are used for congestive heart failure (CHF)?
    Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (not used anymore)
    Loop diuretics
    K+ sparing diuretics (rarely used alone)