shown by circular isobars closing intense low pressure
diameter 300-500km
tropical cyclones will never occur at the 30N/S because it is a high pressure zone
they will never occur at the equator because of the absence of the Coriolis force
factors necessary for the formation
sea surface temperatures should be at least 27 degrees Celsius and above
upper air divergence and lower air convergence
unstable weather conditions
latitude should be between 5-25 N/S
stages of development
initial stage
immature stage
mature stage
dissipating stage
initial stage
pressure at the centre of the cell is above 1000hpa/mb
immature stage
pressure begins to drop below 1000hpa
the eye forms
hurricane winds form
Mature stage
pressure at the centre is well below 1000hpa(960-980)
eye is clearly visible
Dissipating stage
pressure at the centre of the cell increases to rise more than 1000hpa, this occurs because the tropical cyclone has met a landfall and it doesn't have moisture
tropical cyclones are given name reflecting on how many have occurred in that season, the first will be given a name using the first letter of the alphabet
associated weather conditions
eye wall conditions
strong winds
heavy rainfall caused by thunderstorms formed from cumulonimbus clouds
eye conditions
conditions are calm, cool and clear because of the subsiding of air
at the center of the eye at the ground it will be a low pressure cell and at the upper level it will be a high pressure
impact on human activities
social-> people get injured and die, people get homeless, get water borne diseases and property gets destroyed
economic-> soil erosion causes decreases crop production which decreases production in industries and people lose jobs, increase water availability in dams increasing crop production in farms increasing production in industries
environmental->crops get destroyed, siltation in dams, animals die n become extinct, houses get destroyed, infrastructure such as roads get destroyed
management strategies
sand bags in river banks
early warning systems
high lying areas
evacuation plans
rescue teams
stock up resources such as water, food and medical resources like first aid kits