430 exam 2

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  • Type 1 Alveolar Cells:
    • Make up 90% of the total alveolar surface
    • Chief structural cells of the alveolar wall
    • Play a major role in the gas-blood barrier and gas exchange
    • Thin and susceptible to injury
    • Inflamed when exposed to inhaled toxins
  • Type 2 Alveolar Cells:
    • Produce, store, and secrete pulmonary surfactant
    • After injury, type 2 cells rapidly divide to line the surface and later differentiate into type 1 cells
  • Alveolar Capillary Membrane (ACM):
    • Vessels of the ACM form a network around each alveolus
    • Large enough so each red blood cell membrane touches the capillary wall, allowing for efficient gas exchange
    • Hemoglobin is brought from its normal venous blood saturation level of 75% to its arterial saturation of more than 96%
    • Ventilation: movement of air into lungs (inhalation) and out of the lungs (exhalation.
    • Ventilation perfusion relationships: “V/Q”, should be equally matched at ACM level for optimal gas exchange. Not the case, so normal v/q ratio is 4:5 or 0.8
  • three main causes of hypoxemia: alveolar hypoventilation, ventilation - perfusion mismatch, intrapulmonary shunting
    • Hypoxic vasoconstriction: typically blood vessels in the body dilate in response to hypoxia, the pulmonary vessels constrict when PaO2 is less than 60mmhg. 
    • Occurs when portion of pulmonary capillaries perfuse un/under ventilated alveoli. 
    • Thought to be a compensatory response to limit return of unoxygenated blood to the left side of the heart. If prolonged and generalized through the lungs, pulmonary hypertension results.  
    • Lack of surfactant: Pulmonary surfactant functions to lower the surface tension of the alveoli -> stabilized the alveoli, increase lung compliance, eases the work of breathing. Disrupted  -> lungs less compliant, work of breathing increases. Severe loss results in alveolar instability and collapse and impairment of gas exchange
    • Air leak disorders: conditions that result in extra alveolar air accumulation.  
    • 2 categories:
    • Pneumothorax: accumulation of air or other gas into the pleural space
    • Barotrauma/volutrauma: result of excessive pressure in the alveoli that can lead to extreme alveolar wall stress and damage to the ACM, causing air to escape into the surrounding spaces 
    • Pulmonary embolus: a clot lodges in the pulmonary artery system, disrupting the blood flow to a region of the lungs, a massive PE occurs with the blockage of a lobar or larger artery, resulting in occlusion of the pulmonary vascular bed.
    • Pulmonary consequences: increased alveolar dead space, bronchoconstriction, compensatory shunting 
    • Hemodynamic consequences: increase in pulmonary resistance and right ventricular workload 
  • Oxygen Therapy: Methods of delivery include low-flow systems and high-flow systems
    • Low-flow systems provide supplemental oxygen directly into the patient’s airway at a flow of 8 L/min or less
    • Reservoir systems incorporate a device to collect and store oxygen between breaths
    • High-flow systems deliver oxygen in an amount sufficient to meet all inspiratory volume requirements
  • Oxygen Therapy Goal:
    • Ensure adequate cellular oxygenation
    • Oxygen is considered a medication and requires a physician’s order
    • Indication: Hypoxemia
    • Dose-response method: Administer the lowest possible level of oxygen that will achieve a satisfactory PaO2 or SaO2
  • Oxygen Therapy Complications:
    • Oxygen toxicity
    • Carbon dioxide retention
    • Absorption atelectasis
    • Nursing management includes confirming the device is properly positioned, replacing it if dislodged, and monitoring oxygen saturation with a pulse oximeter
  • Artificial Airways:
    • Types include pharyngeal airways, oropharyngeal airways, and nasopharyngeal airways
    • Endotracheal tubes (ETT) are used for short-term airway management
    • Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI) involves several steps for intubation and post-intubation management
  • Artificial Airways:
    • Tracheostomy tubes are used for long-term intubation
    • Indications include avoiding complications from oral, nasal, pharyngeal, and laryngeal intubation
    • Complications of tracheostomy tubes include displacement, bleeding, infection, and more
  • Artificial Airways Nursing Management:
    • Involves humidification, cuff management, suctioning, and communication
    • Closed tracheal suction systems (CTSS) are used for suctioning
    • Passy-Muir® valve aids in communication
  • Invasive Mechanical Ventilation:
    • Indications, types of ventilators, ventilator mechanics, modes of ventilation, and complications are important aspects
    • Ventilator-induced lung injury, barotrauma, volutrauma, and other complications can occur
  • Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Weaning:
    • Factors for weaning, weaning methods, and nursing management during weaning are crucial
    • Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) trials and pressure support ventilation (PSV) trials are common methods
  • Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Nursing Management:
    • Includes patient assessment, ventilator assessment, patient safety, and readiness to wean
    • The ABCDEF bundle is used for symptom management
  • Noninvasive Ventilation:
    • Advantages, indications, and nursing management are key points
    • Close monitoring, proper mask fitting, and patient positioning are important
  • Positioning Therapy:
    • Involves prone positioning and rotation therapy
    • Prone positioning helps mobilize secretions and profuse less damaged areas of the lungs
    • Rotation therapy involves turning the patient at least 40 degrees per side for at least 18 hours a day
  • Pharmacology:
    • Includes bronchodilators, steroids, antibiotics, sedatives, analgesics, and neuromuscular blocking agents
    • PaO2/FIO2 ratio (PF ratio)
    • Ratio of partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood to the fraction of inspiratory oxygen concentration 
    • Normal: greater than 286 -> lower the value = worse the lung function
  • Type I: Hypoxemic Normocapnic
    • no ventilation failure- may need intubated to distribute oxygen better
    • intrapulmonary issues
  • Type II: Hypoxemic Hypercapnic
    • ventilation failure- poor ventilation or severe hypoxemia
    • extrapulmonary issues
  • Intrapulmonary issues --> inside the lungs & type 1 
    • Lower airways and alveoli: COPD, asthma, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, cystic fibrosis (TYPE 2)
    • Pulmonary circulation: PE
    • ACM: ARDS, inhalation of toxic gases, near-drowning
  • Extrapulmonary issues --> outside the lungs & type 2
    • Brain – brain damage, anesthesia, drug OD
    • Spinal cord – Polio, ALS, injury
    • Neuromuscular – MG, MS, muscular dystrophy
    • Thorax – massive obesity, chest trauma
    • Pleura – pleural effusion, pneumothorax, malignancy 
    • Upper airways – sleep apnea, epiglottitis, tracheal obstruction 
  • Alveolar hypoventilation
    • Results from extrapulmonary disorders + type 2 --> not enough oxygen is being brought into the alveoli… not enough ventilation 
    • Alveoli are normal,  just not enough for gas exchange 
    • TX: can give O2 (doesn’t correct low ventilation), control pain, demonstrate deep breathing, IS
  • Ventilation/Perfusion mismatch 
    • Most common cause is partially collapsed alveoli/atelectasis or partially filled alveoli or pulmonary edema (type 1
    • Ventilation and blood flow are mismatched in various regions of the lung… blood flow goes by under ventilated alveoli or no blood to alveoli to pick up oxygen
    • Tx: supplemental O2
  • Intrapulmonary shunting 
    • Blood goes to arterial system without ventilation because most of the alveoli are filled with fluid or collapsed. (type 1
    • Tx: need PEEP, BiPAP is no acidosis, minimal O2 
  • ALF ABGs: 
    • PaO2 less than 60
    • PaCO2 greater than 45 
    • pH < 7.35 
  • ALF Ventilation: maintain pH level
    • no acidosis: bipap or no bipap = bipap
    • if acidotic/ pH < 7.25: NIV or intubate = intubate
  • ALF nur interventions- positioning
    • good lung down
    • or HOB up
  • ALF nur interventions- prevent desat
    • perform procedures as needed
    • hyper oxygenate before suction
    • rest and recovery time
    • minimize oxygen consumption (limit activity, sedation, control fever)
    • monitor with pulse oximeter
  • ARDS diagnosis according to the Berlin Definition:
    • Timing: within 1 week of known clinical insult or new or worsening respiratory symptoms
    • Chest imaging: bilateral opacities (fluids) not fully explained by effusions, lobar/lung collapse, or nodules
    • Origin of edema: respiratory failure not fully explained by heart failure or fluid overload
  • Classification of ARDS dependent on oxygen levels:
    • Mild: PaO2/FiO2 ratio of 200-300, PEEP 5 or more
    • Moderate: PaO2/FiO2 ratio of 100-200, PEEP of 5 or more
    • Severe: PaO2/FiO2 ratio < 100, PEEP of 5 or more
  • ABG findings in ARDS:
    • Low PaO2 despite supplemental O2 leads to refractory hypoxemia
    • PaCO2 initially low from hyperventilation (alkalosis) but eventually increases as the patient fatigues (hypoventilation/acidosis)
  • ALF nur interventions - secretion control
    • hydration
    • humidify oxygen
    • cough and suction
    • incentive spirometry
  • ARDS:
    • Direct injury: aspiration, near-drowning, pulmonary contusion, pneumonia, covid
    • indirect injury: sepsis, shock, embolism, pancreatitis, non-thoracic trauma
  • ARDS exudative phase patho:
    • within 72 hours, injury to pulmonary capillaries --> increases capillary permeability --> fluid leaking that lymph system cant drain --> fluid accumulation in alveoli --> alveolar edema
    • CM: hypoxemia, increased WOB, decreased lung compliance, decreased CO, normal chest x-ray