quick facts

Cards (47)

  • RSBI less than 105 = predicting weaning success
  • mild PaO2/FiO2 ratio: 200-300, PEEP 5 or more
  • Moderate PaO2/FiO2 ratio: 100-200, PEEP 5 or more
  • Severe PaO2/FiO2 ratio: < 100, PEEP 5 or more
  • Hypoxic vasoconstriction occurs at PaO2 less than 60
  • Pneumothorax % for treatment: + 15 %
  • tx for alveolar hypoventilation: O2
  • tc for ventilation/perfusion mismatch: O2
  • tx for intrapulmonary shunting: PEEP
  • is type one arf from intrapulmonary issues or extrapulmonary issues: intrapulmonary
  • is type one arf from intrapulmonary issues or extrapulmonary issues: extrapulmonary
  • ARDS ABG: low PaO2 despite supplemental O2- refractory hypoxemia
  • ARDS ABG: PaCO2 low from hyperventilation, low PaO2
  • What ARDS stage does chest X-ray become abnormal: fibroproliferative
  • permissive hypercapnia: keep RR normal to prevent from injury (CO2 doesn't get blown off though)
  • t/f: hang broad spectrum antibiotics immediately in pneumonia patients (true)
    • do culture first
  • how many hours in prone position - 12
  • VAP occurs within 48 - 72 hours after endotracheal intubation
  • Spontaneous pneumothorax: just collapses from other disorders
    • primary: with or without disease (without)
    • secondary: with or without disease (with)
  • traumatic pneumothorax: rupture of pleural cavity, air enters pleural space
    • open: penetrating trauma
    • closed: blunt trauma
    • iatrogenic: diagnostic procedures
    • tension: has nowhere to go
  • PE ABG: low PaO2, low PaCO2, high pH --> respiratory alkalosis
  • ETT needed in status asthmatics patient peak flow meter less than 40%
  • NMB used to decrease oxygen consumption
  • dexmed is used with propofol to provide analgesic effect
  • low flow is used up to 8 liters, high flow is used up to 14 liters
  • complications of oxygen therapy: oxygen toxicity, carbon dioxide retention, absorption atelectasis
  • Worse complication of PEEP: barotrauma and decreased CO
  • as airway diameter decreases, peak airway pressure (PAP) increases
    • need to either suction or bronchodilators
  • Rapid shallow breathing index (RSBI) less than 105 can predict weaning success
  • decrease in tidaling can indicate lung re-expansion
  • pre renal - decreased blood flow before the kidney
  • intrarenal- ischemic or toxic insult directly at nephrons
  • post renal: obstruction that hinders flow of urine beyond the kidney throughout the remainder of urinary tract
  • hyperphosphatemia s/e that directs nursing management: pruritus
  • insulin - D50 shifts potassium into the cells and out of the blood
  • when are phosphate binders taken - with meal
  • RASS scale: ranges from - 5 to + 4
  • SAS scale: ranges 1 to 7
  • a patient has a RASS scale of +3... are they agitated or sedated (agitated)
  • a patient has a RASS scale of -4 ... are they agitated or sedated (sedated)