
    Cards (73)

    • addiction is a disorder included in the...?

    • addiction is more than what?
      doing something a lot
    • what is addiction?
      something someone originally does for pleasure but eventually becomes complusive
    • what type of symptoms does addiction cause?
    • what does dependence refer to?
      the need to use/ experience an addictive stimuli
    • what is physical dependence?
      the bodily response when stimuli is removed
    • what is psychological dependence?
      the compulsion to continue the perceived positive rewards
    • give 3 examples of the DSM-5 criteria
      • cravings
      • wanting to stop but can't
      • using even when dangerous
    • how many characteristics of DSM-5 do you need for a diagnosis?
    • how long do you need to have 2 of the criteria met for a diagnosis?
      12 months
    • what does salience mean?
      the importance of the behaviour to the individual
    • what does mood modification mean?
      addictive behaviours are used to improve moods
    • what does tolerance mean?
      the amount of a stimulus needed to achieve the same affect over time
    • what are with drawl symptoms?

      unpleasant effects / feelings occurring due to the removal of a substance or behaviour
    • what is meant by conflict?
      something occurring between addict and those around them
    • what is meant by relapse?
      reverting to earlier patterns of activity after a period of absence
    • what does tolerance do?
      creates a chemical inbalance
    • If ingestion is continuous what do we redefine?
      balance to raise whats needed and create a high
    • what does withdrawal syndrome based on?
      • drug used
      • amount consumed
      • drug use pattern
    • name 3 types of addiction?
    • what are the 5 risk factors to addiction?
      1. Genetic vulnerability - Mechanisms
      2. stress
      3. personality
      4. family influence
      5. peers
    • what is genetic vulnerability?
      Having a vulnerability to drug dependance
    • what is meant by genetic mechanisms?
      idea that some people lack a fully functioning enzyme that is responsible for metabolising nitcotine suggesting they are more susceptible to becoming dependant on nicotine.
    • how is stress related to the development of an addiction?
      Epstein = correlation between childhood stress and alcohol addiction

      Increased risk with periods of chronic stress & traumatic life events
    • Is there such thing of addictive personality disorder?
    • what did Butler and Montgomery suggest about personality in relation to addiction?
      Strong correlation between addictive behaviours and antisocial personality disorder
    • How does family influence addictions?
      Perceived parent approval - parents have positive attitudes towards a particular addictive behaviour
    • how do peers influence addiction?
      norms - it being normal for peers to do
      Experienced peers - give them opportunities to use
    • what are the limitations to research into risk factors?
      • underestimates complexity
      • indirect effects
      • cause and effect
    • what are strengths to risk factor research?
      research to support
    • What is the imbic system?
      central part of brain - memories are kept here
    • what is acetylcholine?
      Neurotransmitter which passes on messages
    • what happens when acetylcholine binds to a receptor?
      it opens ion channels
    • what happens when the ion channel is opened?
      receptors are temporarily desensitised
    • what does nicotine do to the acetylcholine?

      imitates it
    • where does nicotine imitate acetyltcholine?
      nucleus accumbens
    • when nicotine triggers dopamine what does this increase?

      our desire for things
    • what does glutamate help us do?
      remember the experience
    • what does the nicotine regulation model suggest?
      smokers become re-sensitised at night/
    • What does NRM mean?
      nicotine regulation model
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