Liver receives 15 mL of blood per minute
Synthetic function includes proteins, CHO, lipids, LPP, clotting factors, ketone bodies, enzymes
Albumin: 12g/day
Conjugation function involves bilirubin metabolism with Bilirubin at 200mg/day
Detoxification and Drug metabolism process ammonia to urea for excretion
Excretory and Secretory functions include bile acids (cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid) and bile salts (bile acids + amino acids - glycine and taurine)
Storage function for vitamins and glycogen
Test measuring the Hepatic Synthetic Ability: Total Protein Determination using various methods like Kjeldahl, Biuret, Folin-Ciocalteu, UV absorption, Electrophoresis, Refractometry, Turbidimetric and Nephelometric methods, Salt fractionation