
Cards (5)

  • the 4 factors;
    • feminism
    • changes in the family
    • changes in women’s employment
    • changing girl ambitions
  • feminism
    • feminist movement has raised self-esteem and motivated women
    • rise of the feminist movement meant that women were no longer bound to the “mother/housewife” role
  • changes in the family;
    • traditional “female” socialisation is more suited to education (bedroom culture), girls are more likely to grow up reading, whilst boys play video games
    • more lone-parent matrifocal households meant girls had a role model
  • changes in employment;
    • Mitsos and Browne highlighted that the growing economy has created more “feminised” careers opportunities for women, eg. healthcare, hospitality, teaching.
    • the Equal Pay act has opened up more opportunities for women
    • these changes have encouraged girls to see themselves as being more than housewives, having greater career choices and financial independence
  • changing ambitions;
    • there is a decline in traditional gender roles
    • Genshiem et al highlight that individualisation is highly regarded in a contemporary society, it is a way to gain status and recognition
    • in order to achieve the desired goals of independence and self-sufficiency, more girls started to recognise the importance of having an education