Nature Of Poverty

Cards (7)

  • Absolute poverty
    Charles Booth
    -Conducted street surveys 1889-1903
    -Focused on Inner London (East London today)
    -Found that 31% were living in poverty
    -Based off an income level he had set to determine whether they were in absolute poverty or not
  • Seebohm Rowntree
    -Profoundly affected by Booth's work
    -Conducted poverty surveys in York - 1901, 1941, 1951
    -Sought to find whether citizens of York could purchase basic food items in order to survive
    -As a result, he created the basket of goods as a measurement of absolute poverty
  • Measurements of absolute poverty
    -Basket of Goods Rowntree
    -Budget Standards Approach Bradshaw-->The minimum income required to buy the items needed to be healthy
    -Poverty Line EU -->Those above the poverty line meet the Budget Standards Measurement. Those below= absolute poverty (60%)
  • Evaluation
    -covers a wide span of diff countries but based on subjective judgement
    -doesn't take into account of everyone's individual needs,
    -poverty isn't comprehensively considered.
  • Relative poverty
    Peter Townsend (1979)
    -Identified issues with the use of the absolute definition
    -Therefore found that poverty goes beyond the 'basic necessities'
    -This is because poverty is closely linked to inequality, rather than anything else
    -As society changes, the definition of poverty must reflect these changes
  • Measurements of relative poverty
    -->HBAI (Households Below Average Income) Labour gov. (1997- 2005)- Those below the 60% median income- mainly used to determine child poverty.
    -->Deprivation Index Townsend- Those who meet the indicators of deprivation based on what is required to be a part of society at that time.
    -->Consensual Approach Gordon (2000)Mack and Lansley (1993)-Those who could not meet 3/22 items listed on an agreed census on basic needs
  • Evaluation
    -can't capture long term change
    -material well-being may have improved
    -consider household income in relation to others