Caue and Effects of Noise Pollution

Cards (19)

  • Hearing Loss - Prolonged exposure to loud noises can lead to permanent damage to the hair cells in the inner ear, resulting in hearing loss or deafness.
  • Noise pollution can cause hearing loss, sleep disturbances, cardiovascular diseases, stress-related disorders, cognitive impairment, and communication difficulties.
  • The Word Noise comes from the latin word nauseas, meaning seasickness.
  • Noise must be recognized as major threat to human well-being and the environment.
  • Sources of Noise Pollution Transportation system are tha main source of noise pollution in urban areas. and construction of buildings, highways and streest cause a lost of noise, due yo the usage of air compressors, bulldozers, loaders, dump trucks. and pavement breakers.
    • Effects of Noise on Animals and Aquatic life
    • Effects of Noise on Animals and Aquatic life
    • Communication Interference: Many aquatic species, such as fish and marine mammals, rely on sound for communication, navigation, and locating prey.
  • Behavioral Changes: Aquatic organisms may alter their behavior in response to noise pollution.
  • Hearing Damage: Loud underwater noises, especially those generated by human activities like shipping, industrial activities, or naval exercises, can cause physical harm to aquatic organisms. Prolonged exposure to high-intensity sounds may lead to hearing damage or loss in marine animals.
  • Displacement and Avoidance: Some aquatic species may avoid noisy areas, leading to changes in distribution and habitat use.
  • Masking of Natural Sounds: Anthropogenic noise can mask the natural soundscape of underwater environments, making it challenging for animals to detect important environmental cues. This can impede their ability to communicate, find food, and navigate effectively.
  • Ecosystem-Level Effects: Changes in the behavior and distribution of individual species due to noise pollution can have broader ecosystem-level impacts. Disruptions to predator-prey interactions, competition dynamics, and community structure can result in cascading effects throughout the food web.
    • Noise and Control Strategy
    Regulations and Standards:
    • Establish and enforce noise regulations and standards at the local, regional, and national levels. These regulations can include limits on noise levels for different types of activities and during specific time periods.
  • Noise Barriers and Insulation:
    • Use physical barriers like walls and fences to block or redirect noise away from sensitive areas.
    • Install soundproofing materials in buildings, especially in areas where noise from external sources is a concern.
  • Land Use Planning:
    • Consider noise as a factor in land use planning to prevent incompatible land uses. For example, avoid locating residential areas near industrial zones or noisy transportation routes.
    • Plan green spaces and buffer zones between noise sources and sensitive areas to help absorb and reduce noise.
  • Radioactive Pollution is the release of something unwanted into the environment and, in this case. the unwanted thing is radioactive material
  • The Degree oh Hazrad is determined by:
    1. Concentration of the contaminants
    2. the energy of the radiatuion being emitted
    3. the type of radiation
    4. proximity of the contamination to organs of the body
  • Radioactrive contaminantion, also called "Radiological contamination"
    it is the deposition of, or presence of radioactive substances on surfeces or within solids, liquid or gas
    1. Occasional Pollution: This condition exist during isolated experiment or test of nucles or substance
    2. Accidental Pollution: This type of condition exist during accidental exposure to radiations by virtuew of equipment failure, radiation leak, faulty protective equipment etc.
    3. Continuous Pollution: This type of condition exist in uranium mines, nuclear reactors, test labs etc. where the humans are unbder continuos exposure to radiactive contaminants and protective clothing is required to avoid radiation exposure