
Cards (10)

  • Employability - A set of achievements, skills, understanding, and personal attributes that makes graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupation which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the econom
  • Employability
    • A preview of your work ethics.
    • Divided into Hard skills and Soft skills.
  • Hard skills
    • Professional abilities that can be taught through education and training.
    • It can be quantified, measured, defined, or evaluated.
  • Hard Skills
    • Can also be called as technical skills.
    • The mastery and the expertise of specific technical skills needed for the job are acquired within the job itself.
  • Soft Skill
    • Subjective skills that relate to the way people interact with each other. 
    • Also known as people skill, interpersonal skills, personal skills, and personal traits that shape how a person works on their own and with others.
    • Unlike hard skills that are quantifiable and measurable, soft skills cannot be measured but can be OBSERVED.
    • Unlike hard skill which are specific per industry, soft skills are transferable between jobs/industries.
    • Ethics are general set of rules that are important to guides one to live in the right way in the society.
    • Ethics guides us on what behavior we must show to be a productive part of the society.
  • Work ethics - It is the cultural norm that advocates being personally accountable and responsible for the work.
  • Work ethics
    • General set of rules and behavior that will maintain a professional company culture and to build a better relationship with coworkers and customer.
    • It is a soft skill by itself but it is composed by a group or  set of other skills. 
    • Skill in Prioritizing
    • Work - life balance
    • Good management of time and stress
    • Adaptability and flexibility in handling change
    • Organized