Membership in an International Organization (IO) involves full membership of states, with two types of Member States: founders and states acceding to the IO
When a state becomes a member of an IO, it enjoys fullrights like voting and privileges, as well as full duties such as financial contributions and adherence to the IO’s rules and decisions
Accession to an IO is governed by the constituent instrument, with the United Nations requiring a 2/3rd majority decision by the General Assembly and a recommendation by the Security Council, where a veto can apply
If the Security Council does not recommend, the General Assembly may not admit a state unilaterally, as the decision-making on accession is a balance between the General Assembly and the Security Council
Art. 4 (1) of the United Nations Charter lists cumulative conditions for membership, with the ICJ advising that no conditions may be added beyond what is listed
Suspension of membership rights is a temporarymeasure that does not free a Member State from its obligations, as outlined in the constituent instrument of the IO
International Organizations (IOs) derive their legal personality from their powers, purposes, and practice, with a link to the founders' intentions in creating the IO
IOs have attributed powers granted by Member States, and their powers are limited to what is necessary to perform the functions defined by the founders in the constituent instrument
IOs have express powers explicitly provided in the constituent instrument and implied powers necessary for carrying out tasks not foreseen by the founders
Delegated powers are those granted by IOs or their principalorgans to subsidiary organs, which have no direct link to the will of the IO's Member States
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT, 1969): Art. 5 VCLT governstreaties’ entry intoforce, interpretation, termination etc.
IO’s constituentinstrument (‘constitution’)
IO’s secondarylaw
Caselaw from IO’s judicial body/ies
IO’s non-codifiedpractice, provided it is established ratherthan one-off
Confirmed by ICJ’s‘Reparations,’ ‘Namibia,’ ‘Wall’…
The relevant rules of international law
General principles of law, customary international law...
International human rights of universal nature
IO’s constituent instrument (‘constitution’)
Other treaties/agreements the IO is party to
Legal sources applying to IOs can be grouped as:
General and specific
External and internal
The law establishes boundaries and provides rights and obligations for an IO and its operations: (International Court of Justice, ‘WHO-Egypt’ Advisory Opinion (1980))