Global governance comprises the complex of actors, roles, mechanisms, processes, and customary practices that influence how the affairs of global society are managed and how global resources are allocated.
Attachment is a strong reciprocal emotional bond between an infant and a primary caregiver
Schaffer and Emerson's 1964 study on attachment aimed to identify stages of attachment and find a pattern in the development of attachment between infants and parents, involving 60 babies from Glasgow
Global regulation can refer to legislating in general or in a stricter sense, focusing on acts of a general nature that complement or amend certain aspects of a legislative act
Regulation in a broad sense in this course refers to multilateral legislation of common interest, such as in the law of armed conflict for modern warfare, cyberspace law, outer space law, and law of the sea
States are the administrators of international law obligations in general, with rare instances of direct administration of matters of common interest at the international level
Enforcement in international law refers to situations of non-compliance with international obligations by states and involves entities or processes that regulate non-compliance
The term "global governance" is used to describe the process by which decisions affecting all countries are made.
Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) are established through treaties or agreements between governments and have legal personality under public international law.
There are three main types of international organizations: intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and private voluntary organizations (PVOs).
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are not created by interstate agreement but rather by private individuals who share similar interests and goals.
International organizations play an important role in global governance by providing platforms for dialogue among member states, promoting cooperation, and facilitating decision-making.
There are different types of international organizations based on their membership structure, including universal, regional, functional, and sectoral organizations.
Universal organizations include the United Nations (UN), International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank Group (WBG), and World Trade Organization (WTO).
Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs) are also known as Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs)