Cards (70)

  • temperature (T)

    balance between heat produced and lost in the body
  • Types of Temperatures
    1. Oral (^0)
    2. Axillary (Ax)
    3. Rectal (R)
    4. Tympanic (Ty)
    5. temporal artery (TA)
  • Oral (blue color)
    • Wait 10 min. before taking
    • PO
    • in the mouth for 2-3 min.
    • normal: 98.6 F & 37.0 C
  • Axillary (blue color)
    • underarm/armpit
    • wait 10 min
    • least accurate
    • normal: 97.6 F & 36.5 C
  • Rectal
    • Rectum
    • 5 min
    • should lubricate
    • insert 1/2 in
    • on Sims’ position
    • normal: 99.6 F & 37.5 C
  • Tympanic
    • ear
    • 1-2 sec
  • symptoms of fever: sweating, restless hands, chilled, lethargic, feel hot to touch, change in respirations, dehydration, unusual thirst
  • fever/febrile: over 100 F & 38 C
    • encourage fluids
  • Pulse (P) is the rate of heartbeat per minute
  • Normal P: 60-100
  • tachycardia
    fast pulse (above 100)
  • bradycardia
    slow pulse (below 60)
  • Respirations (R)

    breathe air/oxygen into and out of lungs
    • 12-20 rpm
  • body temperature
    balance of heat produced and heat lost by the body
  • hyperthermia
    higher T than normal range
  • hypothermia
    T less than 100 F
  • Centigrade
    normal body T of 37 C
  • Fahrenheit
    marked in an even degree from 94-108 F
  • Febrile
  • afebrile
    no fever
  • fever
    symptom of problem within
  • FUO
    Fever of Undetermined Origin
  • apical-radial pulse
    taking apical and radial pulse at the same time (60 sec each)
  • Apnea
    absence of breath ex) infants
  • blood pressure
    amount of force exerted against the walls of an artery by the blood
  • Cheyne-Stokes respirations
    form of periodic breathing that's faster and deeper
  • diastole
    period when heart rests, muscle relaxation
  • diastolic pressure

    pressure in arteries when heart is at rest/relaxes\
  • dyspnea
    painful breathing
  • hypertension
    high blood pressure
  • hypotension
    low blood pressure
  • hypoventilation
    slow, shallow, low breathing
  • pulse
    heart beats per minute
  • pulse deficit
    difference between apical and radial pulse rates
  • pulse rates
    number of heartbeats/pulses in 1 min
  • respiration
    oxygen in and carbon dioxidethrough nose and mouth
  • sphygmomanometer
    cuff and gauge/dial used to measure blood pressure
  • stethoscope
    used to listen to heart, lungs, other body organs
  • systole
    period of heart muscle contraction; heart is pumping blood
  • systolic pressure
    force it takes to take blood out of the body