Every water molecule has areas of partial charge, partial negative charge near oxygen, each hydrogen has a partial positive charge, this is called polarity (polar molecule)
Hydrogen Bonds = weak attractions between water molecules
They cause cohesion, high surface tension, high specific heat, high boiling point, stratification (layers based on density) so floating ice insulates the water below allowing it to remain a liquidhabitat
Specific Heat – amount of energy required to raiseone gram by one degree Celsius
thermocline: a steep temperature gradient in a body of water such as a lake, marked by a layer above and below which the water is at different temperatures.
Surface layer (aka mixed layer) is warmer because of the sun
Intermediate layer (permanent thermocline is the slope on the line in this layer)
Bottom layer/deep layer is steady and cold with little changes in temperature (3-4ºC)
There is a temporary thermocline that occurs typically in the summer at the surface called a seasonalthermocline
Solvent = liquid that can dissolve other stuff
Water is called the “universal solvent” because it is good at dissolving charged solutes
Salts, nutrients, and dissolved gasses
Salinity = the total amount of salt dissolved in seawater (all salts together)
Units are parts per thousand or %o
Average ocean salinity, globally = 35 %o
A region's salinity: depends on precipitation and evaporation, is quite stable in open ocean
Photic zone = the surface zone where sunlight is bright enough to support photosynthesis (varies from few m -> 100 m)
Aphotic zone = the zone where it is too dim to be used for photosynthesis (can still have some light)
Gas exchange is when gas diffuses into a place where it is less abundant, such as the ocean
Often happens on west coasts where the wind must be parallel to the shore
Example: NW wind along the CA coast results in surface water being pushed offshore (90 degrees to the right of the wind) and deeper water rising to the surface along the coast, increasing primaryproduction in the photic zone