main achievments

Cards (3)

  • #1 - Discovering Individual Diseases
    In 1876, Koch and his team made a
    practical breakthrough. They found the
    bacteria that was causing the deadly
    anthrax. Anthrax was a serious
    infection that a variety of other severe
    symptoms. This was the first time that
    anyone had identified a specific germ
    that caused a specific disease.
  • #2 - Growing Germs
    In 1880, Koch
    became the first
    person to grow
    germs on potatoes
    and then in a solid
    agar-jelly. This made
    them easier to study
    and research.
  • Germs discovered by
    · Septicaemia (1878)
    · Tuberculosis (1882
    · Cholera (1883)