Cards (6)

  • After the submission of the Earls, William got to work on further establishing control
    Rewarded those who had helping him in the Battle of Hastings
  • Understood that he needed to keep important Anglo-Saxons on his side so he did this by rewarding them as well
    Rewarded through letting them keep their roles in government
  • Crowned where Edward the Confessor was to gain the support of the Anglo Saxons as they adored Edward
  • Promised Edwin could marry his daughter which would have made Edwin more powerful in the new kingdom if it had happened
    Mad because he didn't get to marry the daughter
  • He paid people to join the invasion with the promise of land and had hired mercenaries from all along the coast of north-west England with the promise of money
  • Declared that as King he owned all the land and then gave it out to who he wanted