Main actors of the slave rebellion

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  • Main actors of the 1816 Rebellion:
    • BUSSA: literate elite slave at Bayley’s Plantation in St. Philip, considered one of the main planners of the rebellion, spread the message of fighting for freedom
    • NANNY GRIGG: literate domestic slave at Simmons Plantation, believed in armed self-liberation, encouraged others to fight for freedom
    • Other leaders: JACKY, KING WILTSHIRE, DICK BAILEY, JOHNNY THE STANDARD BEARER, JOHNNY THE COOPER, all slaves, assisted Bussa in planning the rebellion and spreading the message of fighting for freedom
  • Bussa received more leisure time, better diets, housing, and clothing than other slaves, allowed to travel freely to organize social events used for planning resistance
  • Bussa and other literate slaves monitored the progress of the anti-slavery movement in Britain and informed other slaves through reading discarded newspapers and listening to plantation owners' discussions