Bias and Prejudice

Cards (36)

  • Bias is a tendency to look at things in a certain way, in preference to another way.
  • Bias means a tendency to favor or support or go against a particular person, group, thing or point of view over another resulting in unfairness.
  • Some may be rooted in favoritism and unfairness resulting in a bias.
  • Prejudice refers to pre-judging before looking at the evidence.
  • Prejudice is an unfavorable opinion or feeling beforehand or without knowledge, thought or reason.
  • Prejudice can have a strong influence on how people behave and interact with others, particularly with those who are different from another group.
  • Anchoring Bias is a type of bias where people rely on the first piece of information or initial impression they find in decision-making.
  • Confirmation Bias happens when an individual tends to search for, interpret, favor, or remember the information that only supports their belief and views.
  • Media Bias is a type of Bias wherein people in the internet or in broadcast only show the side of a story that reflects what they believe in or what would benefit them the most.
  • Conformity Bias happens when an individual is swayed easily by the belief of the masses or whatever is believed by the most people.
  • Halo Effect happens when one creates a distorted image of perfection or goodness towards a person or idea, that no other negative idea will be able to change one's mind.
  • Sexism is a prejudice based on gender.
  • Classism is a prejudice based on social class or grouping of individuals based on wealth, occupation, income, education, and social network
  • Ageism is a prejudicial attitude towards older people, old age, and the aging process.
  • Religious Prejudice is the attitude towards a person or group differently because of the particular beliefs about faith.
  • Racism is the idea that groups of people exhibit different personality characteristics and can be separated based on the dominance of one race over another.
  • Come on old fart, not everyone in line is gonna wait for you so hurry up. (Ageism)
  • Don't sit beside me you stinky Arab. I don't want your smell getting caught on my shirt. (Racism)
  • He was a bully to me before, now look at him. He couldn't even afford a squidball. He deserves it. (Classism)
  • Let's move to another restaurant. There are too many noisy Chinese and Koreans here. (Racism)
  • The nerve of that guy. I kept on looking a him seated comfortably at the bus while I was the one standing. He didn't even bother giving his seat to me. Such rudeness. (Sexism)
  • A radio station repeatedly broadcasts a certain commercial for Mayor Andres so that they can get in his favor. (Media Bias)
  • Have you heard what's up with Javen and Patricia? Everyone's talking about it so that must be true! (Conformity Bias)
  • I'm sure it's gonna be a lucky day for me! It even says that in my horoscope this morning! (Confirmation Bias)
  • Well, Nathan has been a great performer since last year. Let's skip the auditions and just choose him for the role. (Anchoring Bias)
  • Your accusations can't be true. Matt would never do that kind of thing, he's an innocent kind young lad. I'm sure he isn't cheating on me. (Halo Effect)
  • "From what I know, I chose you because I believed others are not as good as you." (Anchoring Bias)
  • "If you find out something that negates your perception of your favorite author or actor, you're first reaction would likely be to reject it." (Anchoring Bias)
  • A news publication or source only showing off a good side of the politician and neglecting to show the obvious bad side and vice versa in support of biased views. (Media Bias)
  • When he found out that the report did not agree with his views, he immediately researched facts to prove that he was right. (Confirmation)
  • Among the applicants, only Leo's papers were completely reviewed because the manager was impressed with his awards and recommendations. (Halo Effect)
  • Homophobia is the prejudice, hatred, or discrimination against people who are homosexual or part of the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Nationalism can be considered as a type of prejudice when it reaches to an extreme level.
  • Xenophobia is a fear of foreigners, especially those from other countries (dislike of anything foreign or strange)
  • Lookism is a discrimination based on physical appearance especially the ones believed to fall short of social notions of beauty.
  • Ageism refers to stereotyping and discriminating against individuals or groups based solely on their age