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    • cell is the smallest thing in living things that can be seen with naked eye
    • tissue when a certain type cell are grouped together the resulting called it tissue
    • organ - when the different type of tissue are organized together to perform complex function it called organ
    • 4 aspect of disease - etiology , pathogenis, morpoligical changes and clinical significant
  • etiology is about understanding cause of disease
  • pathogenis - mechanism of disease
  • clinical significant - sign and symptom of disease
  • morpological changes - can see with naked eye or microscope
  • cellular response have 5 - 1. cellular adaptation , 2. cell death , 3. cell injury ,4.accumulation ,5. calfication
  • cause of injury is oxygen deprivation , aging , chemical agent and drug , nutrional imbalnce ,physical angent
  • atrophy is decrese of cell size
  • hypertrohpy is increase of size cell
  • hyperlasia is increase size number
  • metaplasia is change cell type
  • mechanism of cell adaption - caused by direct stimulation of cell by factor produced by self reacting cell or other cell enviroment
  • cause of atrophy - pressure , loss of innervation , decrease workload and loss of endocorine stimulation
  • cell injury result when cell are stress and pressure they are not longer to adapt
  • mechanism of cell injury - the cellular response to injurios stimuli depend on type of injury , severity , duration
  • irrevisble cell injury - when the countinue damage , the injury become irrevisble at the same time the cell can't recover or return
  • inflamation is a body defense mechanism againts tissue damage and infection
  • anaphylaxis(severe allegic reaction) - 1. air way 2. skin 3.heart 4. skin 5.stomach
  • 5 sign of inflamtiom - pain , redness , swelling , heat and loss of function
  • step of inflamation - 1. recognition of the injurious agents 2. removal of agents 3. recuitement of leukoyctes 4. recognition of response 5. resolution
  • what is diagnosis
    • a process identifty disease based on patient symptoms
  • homeostatis - maintaining balance within the body
  • 5 branches of pathology
    • histiology
    • biochemistry
    • microbiology
    • cytology
    • bacteriology
  • 3 factor cell injury
    • oxygen deprivation
    • aging
    • physical and chemical agent
  • type of cell injury
    • revisble
    • irrevisble
  • how cell injury occurs in the cell
    • cell injury happen when cell is stress which the normal can 't adapt and it become cell injury . cell injury divided in two phase first is revisble , when a cell can adapt with situation it can be return to normal cell (hometasis). however when the cell can't adapt it become irrivesbile. irrivesbile happen when continue damage, the injury become irrevisble at the same time the cell cannot recover or return
  • factor that effect aging
    • disease
    • biological
    • lifestyle
  • 5 steps sign of acute inflamation
    • pain
    • heat
    • redness
    • sweeling
    • lost of function
  • 5 steps in infalamtion
    • recognition of the injirous agent
    • recuitment of leukocyte
    • removal of the agent
    • recognition of respons
    • resolutions
  • state 5 of etiology of inflmation
    • biological
    • chemical
    • physical
    • pysiological
  • 3 inflamatory cell
    • neutrophils
    • monocyte
    • lymphocyte
  • regeneration
    • refers to growth protien and tissue replace
  • 3 type of tissue based on prolifrative activity
    • stable tissue
    • labile tissue
    • permanent tissue
  • 4 steps in cell cycle
    • G1 - pre synthetic growth phase1
    • S- DNA synthetic phase
    • G2- pre mitotic growth phase 2
    • M- mitotic phase
  • 3 step in scar formation
    • inflamtion
    • cell proliferation
    • modelling
  • diffrent between necrosis and apoptosis
    necrosis- occurs after abnormal stress as ischemia and chemical injury
    apoptosis- programme cell death characteristics by nuclear dissolution