apes module 49 - stratospheric ozone

Cards (10)

  • Stratospheric ozone is located 45-60 kilometers above earth
  • Stratospheric ozone aborbs UV-B and UV-C, but not UV-A.
  • CFCs are
  • CFCs contain atoms of chlorine, fluorine and carbon.
  • CFCs are used in aerosol sprays
  • CFCs in aerosol sprays have caused holes in the ozone layer, with one spray destroying up to 100,000 ozone particles
  • Depletion of the ozone layer increases the strength of UV light, which may intensify skin cancer
  • Depletion of the ozone layer increases UV exposure, which lowers primary productivity
  • The Montreal Protocol (1987) is a global agreement that mandates countries to reduce use of ozone-depleting substances
  • The Antarctic Ozone Hole forms in the Southern hemisphere during late winter due to the suns rays starting ozone-depleting reactions