Heavy metal toxicity can manifest in neurological symptoms like tremors, headaches, decreased coordination, and memory issues.
What are three heavy metals?
lead, arsenic, mercury
Acid deposition occurs when...
burning coal and volcanic activity. This releases sulfur and nitrogen dioxide
Sulfur and nitrogen dioxide are converted into sulfuric acidandnitricacid
Acid deposition reduces the pH of waterbodies and soil
Coal burning facilities install coalscrubbers to prevent aciddeposition.
Describe the effects of acid deposition in aquatic organisms.
Acidic rainwater contains aluminum, which flows into lakes. This messes with pH levels. Animals have different tolerances, but with a pH below 5, most fish eggs cannot hatch
Describe the impacts of acid deposition on terrestrial biomes.
Trees can die, and aluminum removes NPK nutrients from soil
The four types of synthetic compounds are pesticides, pharmaceuticals, militarycompounds, and industrialcompounds.
Pesticides harm organisms because they biomagnify.
Pharmaceuticals and perchlorates are endocrine disruptors.
PCBs are sourced from poorly maintained waste sites through leaks, dumping, disposal, and combustion.
PCBs can cause birth defects, nervous system, reproductive, and brain damage, learning disabilities, paralysis, ADD, feminization, and cancer.
an increased chemical concentration of a chemical within an organism at a given time
increase in a chemicalconcentration as it goes up the food chain
the length of time a chemical remains in the environment
Describe mercury's source.
Released into atmosphere through burning of coal and garbage; once airborne it can enter water bodies
Describe how to remove mercury.
replacement of old pipes and paint, water filtration, laws and regulations