apes module 50 - indoor air pollution

Cards (16)

  • Indoor air pollution causes more annual deaths than outdoor air pollution.
  • Indoor air pollution mostly occurs in the developing world.
  • Carbon monoxide is an indoor air pollutant that is classified as an asphyxiant
  • Indoor air pollutants that are classified as particulates include asbestos, dust, and smoke
  • Common natural source indoor air pollutants include radon, mold, and dust
  • Indoor air pollutants can come from natural sources, anthropogenic sources, and combustion
  • Radon-222 is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is produced by the decay of uranium found in some rocks and soils
  • Indoor air pollution can cause asthma and lung cancer
  • People in developing nations use wood, animal manure, or coal indoors for heating and cooking
  • Carbon monoxide forms from malfunctioning exhaust systems or household heaters
  • In the body, carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin which interferes with oxygen transmission in blood
  • Asbestos used to be used for insulation
  • Radon gas usually enters homes through cracks in the foundation, sump wells, or through the soil.
  • VOCs are common in building materials, furniture, and home products like glues and paints.
  • Faulty insulation may cause sick building syndrome.
  • Sick building syndrome may manifest in symptoms like headaches, eye/nose/throat irritation, dizziness, and fatigue.