
Cards (56)

  • Counseling is the service offered to the individual who is undergoing a problem and needs professional help to overcome it.
  • Counseling therefore is a more specialized service requiring training in personality development and handling exceptional groups of individuals
  • According to Willey and Andrew Counseling involves two individuals one seeking help and other a professionally trained person helped solved problems to orient and direct him to words a goals.
  • Counseling services are therefore required for individuals having developmental problems because of the handicap they suffer in any area of emotional either because of hereditary factors or environment conditions
  • What are the most common counseling services?
  • Marriage and Family Counseling Service promotes, strengthens, and empowers relationships and reduces abuse within families, and educates professionals to assist families.
  • Career Counseling is a process that will help you to know and understand yourself and the world of work in order to make career, educational, and life decisions
  • •Rehabilitation counseling is focused on helping people who have disabilities achieve their personal, career, and independent living goals through a counseling process
  • Definition of CPC and LPC?
    Certified rehabilitation counselor and licensed professional counselor
  • Community service to a culturally and ethnically diverse population, professional functions, critical thinking, advocacy, applied research activities, and ethical standards are integrated throughout rehabilitation counselor preparation and development
  • •Rehabilitation Counselors are often advocates in the community for people with disabilities outside of the workplace, with most doing some form of community engagement.
  • •Mental health counseling is what people typically think of when they hear the word counseling, but counselors’ actual job duties may go well beyond what people imagine.
  • Cognitive therapy is among the most common techniques, but some employ other therapies.
  • Substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors advise people who suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction, eating disorders, or other behavioral problems.
  • Substance abuse counselors diagnose and assess addiction problems, and treat clients in a variety of ways.
  • • comprehensive school counseling program is standards based and data driven, and an integral component of the school’s academic mission.
  • It focuses on academic, career, and social/emotional curriculum that is delivered through classroom lessons, small group, and individual consultation
  • •The counselling process is a planned, structured dialogue between a counsellor and a client.
  • It is a cooperative process in which a trained professional helps a person called the client to identify sources of difficulties or concerns that he or she is experiencing
  • What are the steps in counseling process?
    Relationship building, problem assessment, goal setting, intervention, evaluation, follow-up, termination or referral.
  • What are the steps for the relationship building for the counselor?

    1.Introduce yourself
    2.Invite client to sit down
    3.Ensure client is comfortable
    4.Address the client by name
    5.Invite social conversation to reduce anxiety
    6.Watch for nonverbal behavior as signs of client’s emotional state
    7.Invite client to describe his or her reason for coming to talk 8.Allow client time to respond
    9.Indicate that you are interested in the person
  • The first step involves building a relationship and focuses on engaging clients to explore issue that directly affect them
  • The first interview is important because the client is reading the verbal and nonverbal messages and makes inferences about the counselor and the counseling situation
  • While the counselor and the client are in the process of establishing a relationship, a second process is taking place, i.e. problem assessment
  • •This step involves the collection and classification of information about the client’s life situation and reasons for seeking counseling.
  • Like any other activity, counseling must have a?

  • Goals are the results or outcomes that client wants to achieve at the end of counseling.
    1. Goals should relate to the desired end or ends sought by the student. Goals should be defined in explicit and measurable terms. 3. Goals should be feasible. 4. Goals should be within the range of the counselor’s knowledge and skills. 5. Goals should be stated in positive terms that emphasize growth. 6. Goals should be consistent with the school’s mission and school health policy
  • Counseling aims towards resolution of conflicts or problems.
  • Counselor always mindful of avoiding fostering dependency and is aware of own needs.
  • Termination is considered not just at end of successful relationship, but also is considered when it seems counseling is not being helpful anymore
  • Psychotherapy theories provide a framework for therapists and counselors to interpret a client’s behavior, thoughts, and feelings and help them navigate a client’s journey from diagnosis to post-treatment
  • Theoretical approaches are an understandably integral part of the therapeutic process.
  • Psychoanalysis or psychodynamic theory, also known as the “historical perspective,” has its roots with Sigmund Freud, who believed there were unconscious forces that drive behavior.
  • The techniques he developed, such as free association (freely talking to the therapist about whatever comes up without censoring).
  • dream analysis (examining dreams for important information about the unconscious)
  • transference (redirecting feelings about certain people in one’s life onto the therapist)
  • The belief is that by revealing and bringing these issues to the surface, treatment and healing can occur?
    Psychoanalysis/psychodynamic theory
  • Psychodynamic theory can be more time intensive in comparison to some short-term theories because it involves changing deeply ingrained behaviors and requires significant work on understanding one’s self
  • Behavioral theory is based on the belief that behavior is learned.