Prenatal Care

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  • Prenatal cell-free DNA Scans – fetal DNA is extracted from the mother’s blood and tested for early detection of genetic problems
  • Braxton-Hicks Contractions – false contractions
  • Labor – process of giving birth
  • Parturition – series of uterine, cervical, and other changes which begins 2 weeks before the delivery
  • Real labor contractions are more frequent, rhythmic, and painful, and they increase in frequency and intensity
  • First Stage (Dilation of the Cervix)- Longest stage Contractions are 15 to 20 mins apart Cervix opened about 10cm For first born, it can last for 6-12 hrs, then shorter for the next children
  • Second Stage (Descent and Emergence of the Baby) Baby’s head starts to move through the cervix Baby is coming out Approx. 45 mins to hr
  • Third Stage (Expulsion of the Placenta) Afterbirth Placenta, Umbilical cord, and other membranes detached and expelled Shortest stage
  • Midwifery – profession that provides health care to women during pregnancy, birth, and even postpartum period
  • Doula – caregiver who provides continuous physical, emotional, and educational support for the mother before, during, and after childbirth
  • Electronic Fetal Monitoring – used to track the fetus’ heartbeat during labor and delivery and to indicate how the fetal heart is responding to the stress of uterine contractions
  • Electronic fetal monitoring - can provide valuable information in high-risk deliveries ▪ extremely high false-positive rate
  • kinds of drugs are used for labor: a. Analgesiapain reliever such as tranquilizers, barbiturates, and narcotics
  • kinds of drugs are used for labor:Anesthesia – used in the late first stage labor and during delivery to block sensation in an area of the body or to block consciousness ▪ Epidural Blockregional anesthesia that blocks the lower part of the body ▪ Pudendal Blockvaginal anesthesia
  • kind of drug use for labor:Oxytocin – hormone that promotes contraction (Pitocin)
  • Prepared Childbirth or Lamaze method
    Special breathing technique to control pushing in the final stages of labor
  • Bradley Method

    Husbands as coaches, relation for easier birth and prenatal nutrition and exercise
  • Vaginal Delivery
    Usual childbirth
  • Natural Childbirth
    A method that aims to reduce the mother’s pain by decreasing her fear by providing information about childbirth and teaching her and her partner to use breathing methods and relaxation techniques during delivery
  • Benefits of Vaginal Delivery
    • Surge of hormones that clear the lungs and excess fluid, mobilize stored fuel to nourish cells, and send blood to the heart and brain
  • Cesarean Delivery
    Baby is removed from the mother’s uterus through an incision made in her abdomen
  • Cesarean Delivery is not recommended prior to 39 weeks of gestation unless there is an indication of fetal lung maturity
  • Cesarean Delivery is performed
    • If the baby is lying crosswise
    • If the baby’s head is too large
    • If there are complications
    • If the mother is bleeding internally
  • Breech Position – baby’s buttocks are the first part to emerge from the vagina which can cause respiratory problems ▪ Complications: bleeding, infection, damage to pelvic organs, post-operative pains, riskier future pregnancies
  • Assessing the Newborn -- APGAR Scale – widely used to assess the health of newborns at 1-5 mins after birth
  • APGAR SCALE - 7-10, condition is good ▪ 5, developmental difficulties ▪ 3 or below, emergency and the baby might not survive ▪ 9-10 score, risk of developing ADHD in childhood
  • Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale – performed within 24-36 hrs after birth to assess neurological development, reflexes, and reactions
  • Fontanels
    Where the bones of the skull don’t meet
  • Newborn Screening for Medical Conditions

    • Check for rare genetic, hormone-related, and metabolic conditions that can cause serious health problems
  • Vernix Caseosa
    Oily protection against infection that dries within the first few days
  • Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Network Neurobehavioral Scale

    • Assessment of the newborn’s behavior, neurological and stress response, and regulatory capacities
  • Lanugo
    Fuzzy prenatal hair
  • First born

    Weigh less than laterborns
  • Anoxia or Hypoxia
    May occur during delivery as a result of repeated compression of the placenta and umbilical cord
  • Hypoxia- reduced oxygen supply
  • Anoxia or Hypoxia
    Can leave permanent brain damage, mental retardation, behavior problems or even death
  • Meconium
    Stringy, greenish-black waste matter formed in the fetal intestinal tract
  • Neonatal Jaundice
    Skin and eyeballs look yellow caused by immaturity of the liver
  • Progestin
    Might help in reducing preterm birth
  • Types of Low Birth Weight Infants
    • Low Birth Weight
    • Very Low birth Weight
    • Extremely Low Birth