Article 7

Cards (49)

  • 1935 section 1
    vesting the power in one person alone – the presidenr of the philippines
  • Chief executive
    President is also known as chief executive
  • President (chief executive)

    Head pf the state and head of the government
  • Prime minister under 1937
    Presidebt is not legislative leader with membership to the congress
  • Executive power
    Power to administer the kaw, carry them in practical operation and enforcing their due observance
  • qualification for presidency and vice presidency
    Natural born filipino, registered viter, able to read and write, 40 years atleast on the election day, resident of the philippines for atleast 10 years.
  • Liberal democracy
    What hinders the concept of de leon's added qualification
  • US VP
  • Heads of executive departments appointed by the president
  • Secretary
    Kay be one with portfolio or incharge if a definite department or known as presidential assistants
  • En banc
    French term equivalent to "on the bench, member os supreme court responsible for judgement of all contests relating to the election
  • Systems of direct voting
    System of direct popular election of the president despite allegations
  • Election of congress (in case of tie)

    President shall be chosen by a vote of majority of all members of congress in session assembled
  • Those who served beyond the term
    Manuel Quezon (due to war) Elpidio Quirino (VP elec, finished the remaining 3-4 years) ferdinand marcos (went beyond term after declaration of martial law) Gloria macapagal Aroyo (assumed office from erap estrada who was ousted in 2001, was elected fir president back in 2004)
  • Tenure of office
    different from term in the office, tenure of office is equivalent to the duration of which the duty is possessed by the person in the iffice
  • Absolute disqualification of president
    A person who already held the presidential office is directly disqualified for REELECTION
  • Eligibility of VP
    a vice president cannot run for VICE PRESIDNECY for more than 2 succeeding term, but allowed to run for PRESIDENCY
    Those who served for more than 4 years as acting president is disqualified from running for presidency
  • President and VP
    may be elected to lower offices
  • Prior to execution of their office
    a president and vuce president elect should take their oath
  • Speaker of the house of representatives or senate president
    individuals who will be acting president in case both pres. Elec and VP elec cannot fulfill the duty
  • Department secretaries
    Member of cabinet who head and run a regular department
  • Presidential assistants
    Given the rank of secretary and are so addressed but are not full pledged cabinet members
  • appointments that can't be checked by commission of appointment on the selection of president
    Wether they apporve the selection of following: department undersecretaries and head of bureaus and certain offices, members of judiciary and ombudsman, chairman and members of the commission of human rights.
  • Regular appointments
    Those made during session of congress
  • Ad interim ( temporary) 

    Those made during recess of congress
  • Kind of acceptance of appointment
    Express (verbal or written) / implied (w/o formal acceptance)
  • Power of the presidwnt as administrator
    Emphasizes the duty of the president as admin
  • Primary function of president
    To enforce laws
  • Comander in chief of all armed forces
    Whenever it comes necessary this role is assigned to the president, for 60 days(or less) hw can suspend the writ of habeas corpus or place the country under martial law
  • Martial law
    All laws that have reference to and administered by the military forces of the state
  • Pardoning power
    Power to free up violators to the law, estebds to all offenses but it does not give the president a power to exempt
  • Reprieve
    Postponement of death sentence to a certain date
  • Suspension of sentence
    Posponement of sentence for an indefinite time
  • Reduction of sentence imposed in lesser punishment (from death is down to life imprisonment)
  • Pardon
    Act of grace proceeding from the power entrusted with the execution of tge laws; exempting individual from the law inflicts on crime he has committed
  • Absolute pardon
    Not subject to any conditio; effective when made
  • Conditional
    Given subject to any wualification or condition president may see fit. Must be accepted by offender to be effective
  • Remission
    Prevents the collection if fines or confiscation of forfeited property
  • Amnesty
    Act of sovereign power granting oblivion or general pardon for a past offense usually granted in favor of certain classes who have committed crimes regarding political chatacter