carries out aerobic respiration to release ATP in the matrix, also attached to the cristae (acts to increase s.a.)
contains dna for genetic code which tells cells what proteins to make
surrounded by a nuclear envelope with nuclear pores
ribosomes and ribosomal dna made in the nucleolus
golgi apparatus
modifies and packages proteins and triglycerides to make lysosomes
consists of flattened sacs
vesicles for transport out of the cell
in the cytoplasm of an animal cell
they organise the microtubules, that serve as a cells skeletal system
rough endoplasmic rectilum provides a large s.a. for synthesis of proteins by ribosomes, provides a pathway for the transport of proteins through the cell
smooth endoplasmic rectilum synthesises, stores and transports lipids and carbohydrates
microtubules are intermediate filaments and microfilaments are the component of the cell skeleton
they are involved in the assembly of mitotic spindle, in dividing cells or axon extension
a lysosome is a round organelle surrounded by a membrane, contains digestive enzymes called lysozomes to break down material ingested by phagocytes or worn out organelles
the cytoplasm holds components of the cell together and protects from damage
microvilli are folds of the epithelium often found in the small intestine, they have a large s.a. to maximise the rate of absorption of nutrients into the blood
the cell membrane controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell, it has receptors for substances such as hormones