-->Inability to undertake paid employment - may have impairments (physical or mental) that make it difficult for them to take jobs.
-->Unemployment - disabled individuals are around four times more likely to be out of work than non-disabled with similar qualifications. Many of those who are not working say they want to work but have been unable to find jobs.
-->Low pay - more likely to be low-paid than non-disabled people with similar qualifications. This means individuals will have lower pensions in old age.
-->Employer discrimination - seems to be discrimination within the workplace, even though this is illegal (Equality Act 2010 for example). Some people may not intentionally discriminate but cause it through ignorance e.g. around the abilities of the individual, government support, health, and safety.
-->Inadequate welfare benefits - social security benefits are insufficient to keep many disabled people out of poverty and increases in benefit levels have not kept up with those for children and pensioners, and are falling in relation to average household incomes.