HCI2 week 3-4

Cards (45)

  • Communication Models
    refer to theoretical frameworks that explain the process of human communication.
  • Collaboration models
    focus on how individuals and groups work together towards a common goal. These models often emphasize aspects such as communication, cooperation, coordination, and shared decision-making.
  • Types of Communication and collaborative models:
    Face to face communication, conversational, and text based communication
  • Face-to-face communication
    refers to any interaction or exchange of information that occurs in person, where individuals can see and hear each other directly, without the use of technology or intermediaries. It's the most traditional form of communication and is considered one of the richest and most effective means of human interaction.
  • conversation
    interactive exchange of ideas, thoughts, and information between two or more people. It involves speaking and listening, as well as nonverbal cues such as gestures and facial expressions. can be informal, like chatting with friends, or formal, such as a business meeting or interview.
  • types of conversations:
    Formal, informal, and small talk
  • formal
    type of conversations which Structured discussions with specific objectives and professional tone (e.g., business meetings, academic presentations).
  • Informal
    type of conversation that Casual exchanges characterized by spontaneity and relaxed language (e.g., chatting with friends, water cooler conversations).
  • small talk
    type of conversation that Light, superficial conversations used to initiate or maintain social connections (e.g., discussing the weather, weekend plans).
  • Text-Based Communication
    any form of information exchange that relies solely on written text, without the use of spoken language, body language, or other non-verbal cues. It's everywhere in our daily lives, from sending a quick text message to composing a formal email..
  • Task analysis
    ¡process used to understand and document the steps required to complete a specific task or activity. It involves breaking down the task into smaller, more manageable components to identify the skills, knowledge, and resources needed at each step. Essentially, it's like creating a roadmap that outlines all the necessary actions to accomplish a task successfully.
  • job analysis
    Examines entire job roles to identify tasks, responsibilities, skills, qualifications, and performance standards required for successful job performance.
  • Cognitive Task Analysis
    Focuses on understanding the cognitive processes, decision-making strategies, and mental models underlying task performance.
  • Workflow Analysis
    Analyzes the sequence of tasks, activities, and interactions within a larger workflow or process to identify inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and opportunities for improvement.
  • Competency Modeling
    Identifies the knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors required for successful performance in a specific role or domain.
  • Human Factors Analysis
    Investigates the interaction between humans and technology, equipment, or environments to optimize safety, usability, and user experience.
  • Needs Analysis
    Assesses the gap between current performance and desired outcomes to determine training, development, or intervention needs.
  • scope and focus
    sa T.A. focus sya sa understanding the steps, others broader scopes
  • Methodology
    sa T.A. lahat ng method like observation, interview, doc, review, task decomposition. others, utilize different methods that depends on their focus
  • Application
    T.A. Primarily used in instructional design, human factors engineering, process improvement, and job design to develop training programs, optimize task performance, and design user-friendly products and systems basta development to help human. others, diverse applications
  • seven techniques may overlap in some aspects but different in their focus, methods, and application.
  • Task Decomposition
    a technique used to break down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable parts. It involves dividing a larger task into smaller subtasks or steps, making it easier to understand and tackle each component individually.
  • Knowledge-Based Analysis
    used to examine tasks or interactions with a focus on the information and expertise needed to perform them effectively. It involves identifying both explicit (easily codified or documented) and tacit (personal or experiential) knowledge required for task execution.
  • knowledge-based analysis
    figuring out what someone needs to know or be able to do in order to complete a task well
  • Entity-relationship-based techniques
    often used in the field of database design and software engineering
  • entity
    noun in erd. the things or objects we're interested
  • Relationship
    describe how entities are connected or interact with each other. cardinality
  • Attributes
    These are the characteristics or properties of entities
  • ERD
    visual representation of the entities
  • Sources of information and data collection
    refer to the various places and methods where you can find facts and gather data for research or projects. These sources include things like surveys, interviews, books, articles, online databases, government records, and personal documents.
  • types of Sources of information and data collection
    1. primary
    2. secondary
    3. tertiary
  • Primary Sources
    firsthand sources
  • Secondary Sources
    These are sources that interpret or analyze primary sources
  • Tertiary Sources
    These sources compile and summarize information from primary and secondary sources.
  • types of Observational Methods
    1. Naturalistic Observation
    2. Participant observation
  • Observational Methods
    These involve directly observing and recording behaviors, events, or phenomena
  • Naturalistic observation
    Observing behavior in natural settings without interference
  • Participant observation
    Participating in the activities being observed while also taking notes or recording data.
  • types of Collaborative and Participatory Methods:
    1. Focus group
    2. community engagement
    3. citizen science
  • Focus Groups
    Facilitating group discussions or focus groups with selected participants to explore attitudes, perceptions, or experiences related to a particular topic.