
Cards (10)

  • what is malnutrition
    un unbalanced diet where there is either an excess or deficiency of nutrients that leads to poor health.
  • what happens when malnutrition is severe
    a nutritional disease or disorder results
  • what is kwashiorkor
    a severe form of malnutrition common to developing regions due to a lack of protein. this causes a build up of fluid in the bodies tissue which causes swelling under the skin. some other symptoms of this are sparse hair, moon face, flaky appearance, thin muscles but fat is present, swollen abdomen
  • what is marasmus
    severe malnutrition due to a lack of all main food groups, it is basically slo starvation. it leads to loss of muscles and body weight, old man appearance and underweight ness
  • what is anorexia
    self-induced starvation and death due to psychological problems associated with food
  • what is bulimia
    the sufferer appears totally normal but purges (throws up) after eating or takes laxatives. in advanced cases purging becomes automatic
  • Calcium deficiency
    rickets in children
    weak and bent bones
    osteoporosis in adults
    brittle bones
  • Iron deficiency
    Lack of oxygen in the blood causing dizziness, fatigue and restlessness
  • what is obesity
    over-intake of food in general especially carbohydrates and lipids. this increases the risk of coronary heart disease and diabetes
  • how does obesity increase the risk of coronary heart diease
    when a person is obese they over-intake foods that is unessasary for the body.this means that its stored as fat in the cells. this leads to materials building up in your arteries which are the blood vessels that carry oxygen to your arteries. if this occurs your arteries get damaged or clogged which leads to restricted blood flow leading to heart dieseas disease it isareunnecessarydisease