Castletown is a village located in the Peak District National Park, in central England. Mostly within the county of Derbyshire, but also nearby to Greater Manchester and South and West Yorkshire.
Castleton is a town in the Peak District that has developed into a tourist attraction because of its; castle, caves and caverns and shopping.
The town’s main employment is in tourism. In the winter there are fewer jobs.
These types of towns can be dominated by services for tourists, therefore we wanted to find out if the impacts of tourism on Castleton were positive or negative.
Risks of Human fieldwork
talking to people/the public - remain in groups for safety in numbers
getting lost
crossing roads - risk of cars
Advantages of assessing Castleton
close to school - more time to collect more primary data
lots of tourist facilities - easy to see social, economic, environmental impacts of tourism
Disadvantages of assessing Castleton
having only picked 3 locations to assess, those 3 locations had to be representative for the entirety of Castleton