vygotskys theory of cognitive development

Cards (6)

  • zone of proximal development
    >distance between actual development level by independent problem solving and the level of potential development which is problem solving with help of experts
    > explains how a child may be eager to learn but there is a limit to what they can learn restricted by current developmental stage and size of ZPD
  • scaffolding
    >process of helping learner cross ZPD.
    >techniques of scaffolding: recruitment, reduction of degrees of freedom, direction maintenance
  • what is vygotskys theory of cogntive development
    >learning is a social process as new knowledge and skills acquired from advanced experts
    >knowledge is first intermental (big difference between learner and expert) then intramental (similarities between learner and expert)
    >contrasts Piaget by taking domain specific approach that language is a crucial cognitive skill which develops at different rate and time compared to other skills
  • what does vygotsky say about cultural differences
    >cultural differences in learning explained through different experiences
    >learning first happens in social and cultural level as child interacts with others and then child internalises what they learnt to enhance skills
  • strengths of vygotksy
    >Roazzi and Bryant: 4 and 5 year olds estimating number of sweets gave better estimate with help of older children expert shows children develop more advanced skills with expert people
    >Conner and Cross: 45 mother and children completing problem solving tasks over 3 years, mothers showed decrease in support resulting in children becoming more successful in behaviour in parent child interaction
  • limitations of vygotsky
    >limited application: doesn't take individual children into account, some children aren't suited to learn through social interaction and all children don't develop at same rate