existence of a criminal gene - based off racist stereotypes
Behaviour is determined via genetics e.g. motherly instincts
Lombroso, existence of a criminal gene
David Reimer, raised as a girl after a failed circumcision but still wanted to do more masculine activities whilst encouraged and raised as a girl
Behaviour is taught through socialisation of societal norms
Historical evidence of behaviour changing over time e.g. burning witches (now seen as mentally ill)
Anthropological evidence
Anthropological evidence for nurture
differences between behaviours of different societies globally e.g. Cheyenne people of North America show wealth through giving their property away
Feral children for nurture
miss out on stages of human development and socialisation and are unable to participate in “human” activities
Feral Children raised by animals
Marina Chapman
Kamala & Amala
Marina Chapman
kidnapped and left in a jungle, taken in by a family of capuchin monkeys, she ate berries & roots, slept in trees, groomed, walked on all fours and completely lost her language until she was found by hunters.
Kamala & Amala
found in a wolf den physically deformed with characteristics of wolves, shortened tendons, elongated canines, walked on all fours, eyes shone in the dark and had heightened senses. They slept curled up next to each other, growled and only ate raw meat.
Feral children - poor socialisation from parents
Prava (bird boy)
Prava, bird boy
mother suffered from mental illness and treated him as a bird, he wasn’t harmed or unfed however was confined to a room with only bird cages, feed, droppings and was never spoken to. He learnt how to chirp instead of speak and waved his arms like a bird when he was misunderstood.
Genie Wiley
confined to a small room often tied to a potty chair. When found she weighed 59 pounds, walked like a bunny, unable to straighten joints, unable to chew and could only recognise her name and the word ‘sorry’
What do Sociologists think of 'gender' regarding the nature/nurture debate
Nature sociologists believe gender is based off biological differences (sex)
Others, nurture sociologists, reject this and argue that gender is taught through socialisation