Nature vs Nuture

    Cards (20)

    • What topic did you learn about in year 10 related to non-verbal behaviours?
      Non-verbal behaviours
    • What question did you explore regarding non-verbal behaviour?
      Is non-verbal behaviour innate (nature) or learnt (nurture)?
    • What are the learning objectives related to the nature vs nurture debate?
      • Understand how the nature vs nurture debate relates to development
      • Give arguments for the nature side of the debate
      • Define the terms nature and nurture
    • What are the key terms associated with the nature vs nurture debate mentioned in the material?
      Nature, Nurture, Twin studies, Monozygotic, Dizygotic, Diathesis-stress, Epigenetics
    • What is the difference between monozygotic and dizygotic twins?
      Monozygotic twins are genetically identical (100% DNA), while dizygotic twins share approximately 50% of their genes.
    • What did a study of fraternal and identical twins find regarding babies' sleeping patterns?
      Babies' sleeping patterns are determined primarily by genetics.
    • What percentage of a baby's temperament is set by their genetic makeup?
    • What aspects of a baby's preferences are controlled primarily by heredity?
      The foods a baby prefers and whether the baby is active or sedentary.
    • What is a major criticism of twin studies in the context of the nature vs nurture debate?
      Identical (MZ) pairs grow up experiencing much more similar environments than same-sex fraternal pairs, making the equal environment assumption false.
    • What do critics argue about identical-fraternal comparisons in twin studies?
      They capture nothing more than identical pairs’ more similar treatment and greater environmental similarity.
    • What are the arguments for the nurture side of the nature vs nurture debate?
      • Psychological attributes like personality may be largely genetic.
      • Criminal behavior may be more influenced by upbringing and culture.
      • Genetic influences on skills and personality can affect life experiences.
    • How can toxin-related epigenetic changes affect future generations?
      They can be passed from parent to child, triggering the expression of cancer-causing genes.
    • What is epigenetics in the context of nature vs nurture?
      It is the interaction between genes and life experiences, showing that they do not have separate effects but work in combination.
    • What does the interactionist approach suggest about nature and nurture?
      Both are involved in shaping behavior, influencing each other.
    • According to research by Eliot (2007), what do genes and environment each account for in brain and mental development?
      About 50 percent.
    • What are the two activity-driven rules that experience alters brain structures according to Eliot's research?
      1. "Cells that fire together wire together" and 2) "Use it or lose it."
    • What does the diathesis-stress model suggest about psychological disorders?
      Some people may have a genetic vulnerability to psychological disorders, and the environment can act as a stressor that triggers the disorder later in life.
    • What topics should be revised for the cycle test in week 3 on research methods?
      • Independent and dependent variables
      • How to write hypotheses
      • Sampling methods and strengths and weaknesses
      • Measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode)
      • Measures of dispersion (range)
      • Types of experiments and strengths and weaknesses
    • When is the cycle test scheduled?
      Tuesday 17th September at 8.20 am.
    • What is the main focus of the lesson discussed in the study material?
      The nature vs nurture debate and its relation to psychological development.
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