what is the atavistic form? Cesare Lombroso suggested that criminals are a form of sub-species who are biologicaldifferent from non-criminals. These criminals have physical distinguishingfeatures. These characteristics suggest that offenders lackevolutionarydevelopment. Criminal behaviour is a naturaltendencyrooted in their genealogy. He argued that sub-types can be identified as possessingphysiological“markers” linked to different crimes. Criminals aren’t to blame for their criminalactivities, as their behaviour is determined by their physiology.
Lombroso‘s research
he medically examined the facial and cranial features of 100’s of Italian convicts (living and dead). He developed 2 sets of characteristics.
murderers: bloodshoteyes, longears,curlyhair.Sexual deviants: glintingeyes,fleshylips,projectingears.Fraudsters: thin and reedylips
what is the Eugenics Movement?
the work of FrancisGalton is thought to be the beginning of the Eugenics Movement. Not all people are born equal, desirabletraits are found in some socio-cultural groups more than others. Groups with the traits should be allowed to breed for the good of society. Those without should be eliminated.
the positive of atavistic form?
shifts the emphasis in crime away from a moralistic discourse, and towards a more scientific and crediblerealm.
the negative of the ativistic form?
Lombroso’s work has racist undertones. Many criminal features identified are consistent with those of African decent. Therefore, this supports EugenicPhilosophies of the time.