W6: Becoming member of Society

Cards (15)

  • Socialization 
    • according to Hunt (1982), it occurs through social interaction and transmission of culture in a particular group.
  • Personality - The body of a person upon conception. A person’s thumbmark. The symbol of a person’s being.
  • Identity - May be likened to sense of fashion that is observed by other 
    people’s eyes. May be adapted.
  • Status - person's position in the social system. It can either be ascribed (by birth) or achieved (by hardwork/efforts).
  • Roles - a part that someone has or plays in the society.
  • Enculturation - Social process that is defined as the manner by which a person learns or adopts the culture followed by his/her co-members in the society.
  • Acculturation - The process in which a person adapts to the influence of another culture by borrowing many of its aspects. It refers to the psychological changes stimulated by cross-cultural imitation (Powell, 1883).
  • Assimilation - Denotes complete or almost total adaptation of the minor culture to the major one.  Individual learns a new culture tending to lose entirely his/her previously held cultural identity.
  • Cooperation - A form of social interaction wherein two or more persons work together for a common end or purpose (Merrill and Eldredge, 1965).
  • Differentiation - process of  designating each member of a  society with particular functions and roles intended for the society to 
    achieve stability and order, thus the increased number of social units.
  • Amalgamation - Happens when two families or groups become one through formal union, such as marriage.
  • Stratification - Hierarchical arrangement and establishment of social categories that may evolve into social groups. Division of society into social categories that in turn develop social groups.
  • Conflict - A struggle over values and claims to scarce status, power, and resource.
  • Competition - Suggests the struggle between two or more persons or groups that can be translated to innovation in the long run.
  • Social Control - Mechanisms by which social behavior of people is controlled to maintain order or to re-establish order once rules have been broken.