P- One strength of the two-process model is that there is researchtosupport the proposal that phobias are learned through badexperiences via association.
E- Watson andRaynor (1920) demonstrated the process of classical conditioning in the formation of phobias in Little Albert, who was conditioned to fear white rats. Other research by Ad De Jonghetal also found that 73% of participants with a phobia of the dentist could recall a traumatic experience they had involving dentistry. This is in comparison to a controlgroup of people with low anxiety where only 21% had experienced a traumatic event.
E- This confirms that the association between stimulus (dentistry) and an unconditioned response (pain) does lead tothe development of the phobia
L- This therefore strengthens the internal validity of the two process model as a behavioural explanation for how phobias develop.
Counter arg.- However, not all phobias develop following a traumatic experience, and it also worth noting that not all traumatic experiences lead to the development of a phobia. This would suggest that the association between phobias and frightening experiences is not as strong as we would expect if behavioural theories provided a complete explanation, thus challenging the internal validity of the two-process model explanation.