
Cards (33)

  • Family is a group of people who are related by kinship ties such as marriage ,blood ,children and adoption.
  • There are two main types of family ;the nuclear family and the extended family.
  • The nuclear family is a family which includes an adult man and woman are are married and live together with their children.
  • The extended family is a family which includes an adult man and woman who live together with their children and relatives such as grandparents ,aunts ,uncles and cousins.
  • There are 4 types of extended family; vertically extended family, horizontally extended family and modified family and beanpole family.
  • A vertically extended family includes an adult man and woman who live with their children and relatives of other generations such as grandparents.
  • An horizontally family includes an adult man and woman who live with their children and relatives of the same generations such as aunts, uncles and cousins.
  • A beanpole family is a vertically extended family with one or two children from each generations.
  • A modified family are members of family who support each other but do not live together.
  • A reconstituted family is a new family created when someone remarries after the death of a partner or divorce.
  • Same sex family involves two adults of the same sex who raise their own or adopted children.
  • Lone parent family includes one parent and their children who live together after the divorce or the death of a partner. Cases of lone parents have increased for the following reasons:
    1. Divorce are more common and easy to get and leave one parent to look after the children.
    2. If they are not able to work to afford their family, they may receive welfare benefits.
    3. Nowadays some women choose to raise their children without the support of a man.
  • Polygamous family happens when there is more than two persons in a marriage ;either a man marries to two or more women or a woman marries to two or more man.
  • A marriage is the formal joining of a man and a woman in a relationship whereas a divorce is the formal and legal ending of a marriage.
  • An empty nest family is when parents live alone at home after the departure of their adult children.
  • A boomerang family occurs when the adult children return back to their parents' house after leaving home.
  • Childless family is a couple who live together without any child.
  • Family diversity are related to culture, social class and ethnicity.
  • Social class is link to family types; people from different social class tend to live in different types of family.
  • Ethnicity is a large group of people who have the same racial, national and culture origins.
  • single person household is when only one person lives in a residence.
  • shared household is when people share a household with people who are not their family.
  • Friends as family is when friendships between people who are not related but support each others like a traditional family.
  • There are seven types of marriages:
    1. Arranged marriage
    2. Love marriage
    3. Same sex marriage
    4. Empty nest marriage
    5. Monogamous marriage
    6. Serial monogamous marriage
    7. Polygamous marriage
  • Arranged marriage is a marriage where the partners are chosen by older members of their family rather than choosing their own marriage partner.
  • A love marriage is when a couple decides to get married with or without the consent of their family.
  • An empty nest marriage is when a couple continues to stay together without any love and affection.
  • A monogamous marriage is when a person is married to one person at a time.
  • A serial monogamous marriage is when a person has more than one marriage in their life but only one at a time.
  • A polygamous marriage includes more that two persons in a marriage.
  • Polygyny is when a man is married with two or more women at a time.
  • Polyandry is when a woman is married to two or more men at a time.
  • Functions of the family that benefit for both the society and the individuals are:
    • reproduction
    • socialisation
    • social control
    • roles of family's members
    • care of children, older people and sick people
    • regulation on sex behaviors