evolutionary explanations

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    • what is the evolutionary explanation?
      • suggests aggression is adaptive
      • means being aggressive increases chances of survival or reproductive success
    • 2 evolutionary explanations?
      1. protecting/acquiring resources & status - competition for resources
      2. sexual jealousy
    • being aggressive & social status?
      • aggression leads to dominance
      • shows you are stronger
      • can also lead to resource of money as more likely to get better job
    • being aggressive & territory?
      • you mark your territory
      • people more likely to stay away from it so you remain dominant
      • able to survive & reproduce in your territory
    • being aggressive & having a mate?
      • enhances our reproductive success
      • acquire mate as you can be aggressive & fight for best partner with best genes/traits - pass genes onto offspring
      • allows women to feel safer as they have mate who can protect them
      • increases attractiveness of mates so more likely to get mate, eliminate competition & pass on genes
    • 4 resources?
      1. mate
      2. social status
      3. territory
      4. money
    • what is sexual jealousy?
      • emotional state experiences by males when they fear their partner may leave them & engage in sexual relations with another male - reduces their own reproductive success
      • males cannot be sure that they have fathered womens child or not - do not want to waste time & resources on another mans child
      • they are aggressive to potential rivals to prevent cuckoldry
    • buss?
      • proposed 2 different types of male retention tactics used by males when they experience sexual jealusy
    • 2 male retention tactics?
      1. direct guarding
      2. negative inducements
    • what is direct guarding?
      • involves male becoming increasingly vigilant of female in an attempt to restrict her freedom & prevent another man gaining access
    • what are negative inducements?
      • involves male using aggressive threats against female in an attempt to ward off other males
      • make her feel unworthy of their attention
    • 2 * of evolutionary explanations?
      1. evidence to support from daly & wilson 1988
      2. helps understand gender differences
    • 3 X of evolutionary explanations?
      1. cannot explain cultural differences
      2. cannot explain aggression in homosexual relationships
      3. deterministic
    • evidence from daly & wilson?
      • found that homicide rates much higher when mans wife/partner is about to leave him already left
      • daly 1982 - men were more violent when they discovered that their wife/partner had been unfaithful
      • supports sexual jealousy & negative inducements
      • being more aggressive to keep their mate in order to enhance reproductive success
    • * understand gender differences?
      • well known fact that males are more aggressive than females
      • this explanation suggests females are less aggressive - dont need to be & dont need to fight for dominance as males dont look for this in females
      • instead they value 0.7WHR & youthful women
      • males more aggressive - have to fight for dominance - intra sexual selection in order to get mate & women want someone aggressive in order to protect them
      • shows why males have to be more aggressive than females in order to enhance their reproductive success
    • X cannot explain cultural differences?
      • kung san people of kalahari have negative attitudes towards use of aggression
      • its discouraged & people who are aggressive will lose status & reputation in group
      • suggests aggression is learnt from culture rather then innate & evolutionary
      • as in this culture aggression has no evolutionary benefit
      • cant be said that all people have evolved in same way as other cultures have differing opinions on aggression
    • X cannot explain sexual jealousy in homosexual relationships?
      • domestic violence rates higher in homosex relationships
      • theory states that domestic violence occurs to reduce chances of cuckoldry
      • but not potential problem in these non reproductive relationships
      • may not consider other factors causing male aggression - learn through observation & imitation of role model/past childhood experiences repressed in unconscious mind
      • must be other factors explaining aggresion in relationships other than sexual jealousy & preventing partner reproducing with someone else
    • X deterministic?
      • pro - can measure & predict aggressive behaviour to intervene if someone is showing sexual aggression before they become aggressive
      • con - not everyone is same & ingores free will
      • people choose how to behave so it cannot be concluded that all aggressive behaviour is due to evolution
      • does not consider individual differences whereby some people may show sexual jealousy but never show aggression towards partner as they choose not to
      • ignores individuals choice & free will in peoples behaviour
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