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Cards (11)

  • Jewelry and other decorative goods (100,000 years ago)

    • Used "beads" in South Africa, Algeria, and Israel for identification
    • Communicated status of wealth, familial ties, and personal identity
  • Personal
    • Something that belongs to someone "a private thing"
  • Tattooing (2000BC)

    • Introduced in Ancient Egypt
    • Defined as "permanent marks or designs made on the body by the outline of pigment or dye through ruptures in the skin"
    • Used to distinguish individuals and establish recognition within clans
    • First form of written expression
  • Methods of Personal Identification
    • Mutilation
    • Descriptive clothing
    • Measurement of the height (Quetele’s Method)
    • Photographic eye/Memory (Eugene Francois Vidoeq Method)
    • Photographing (Daguerreotyping)
  • Old testament in the book of Leviticus 19:28: '"You shall not make any cutting in your flesh on account of the dead or tattoo any marks upon you"'
  • Personal identification involves identifying a person suspected of committing a crime or linking a suspect to other unsolved crimes. It also helps to identify victims of natural and man-made disasters
  • Persons Memory
    First and most commonly used method to identify and distinguish features and characteristics of other humans such as their outward appearance or the sound of their voice
  • Branding/scarification
    • Ancient Greeks branded their slaves with Delta
    • Romans used branding for gladiators and convicted criminals
    • French penal system used branding to identify thieves and slaves from the Galley
  • Identification
    • An act of identifying, or state of being identified
  • French penal system branding
    Identified thieves with a "V" mark on their right shoulder and "GAL" for Slaves from the Galley
  • New testament in the book of Revelation 13:16-17: 'Not provided'