
    Cards (53)

    • Define coding?
      the type of info stored
    • what are the three types of info stored?
    • what does semantic mean?
      what does it mean to you
    • what is a strength to research of coding?
      research to support
      STM and LTM are separate and encode differently
    • what is a limitation to research into coding?
      lacks ecological validity
      • dont remember random lists of words
    • what is capacity?
      the amount of info held
    • what did Miller find about STM?
      we can hold 7 + or - 2 items in our heads
    • What did Jacobs find about capacity?
      digit span of 9/7 words
    • What does duration mean?
      length of time info is stored in the brain
    • what is the duration of the STM?
      18-30 seconds
    • what is the research to support duration in the STM?
      Peterson and Peterson used a trigram and a number and asked them to recall the trigram after counting backwards
    • what is the research to support duration in the LTM?
      Bahrick - asked pptt to recall the names of 50 people from their yearbook
      with photo recognition the recall increased
    • Describe the multi-store model?
      input-sensory store - STM - retrieval - transfer - LTM
    • What did HM have?
    • what did the surgery for HM cause?
      brain damage to his memory
    • which part of HM brain was removed?
    • what happened to HM STM?
      stayed intact but can't rehearse anything
    • what happened to HM LTM?
      nothing rehearsed - couldn't move anything to LTM
    • What happened to KF?
      amnesia - motor bike accident
    • what did shallice and warrington study ?
      KF - amnesia patient
    • what happened to KF LTM?
      stayed intact
    • what happened to KF STM?
      was reduced to 2-3 items not 7 + or - 2
    • what did Glanzer and Cunitz do?
      see if they could find evidence for separate stores
    • what did Glanzer and Cunits do - procedure?
      patients had 2 lists - one group was immdiate recall one was delayed recall
    • what were glanzer and cunitz find?
      pptts in group one remembered first and last words - pptts in group two remembered begining of the list
    • what were the conclusions of glanzer and cunitz?
      ALL pptt remembered beginning of list (LTM) and when a distractor interfered with maintenance rehearsal pptt couldn't remember end of list
    • what is the duration of the sensory register?
      1/4 to 1/2 a second
    • what is the capacity of the sensory register?
      all sensory experience (large)
    • what is the encoding of the sensory register?
      sense specific
    • what is the encoding of the STM?
    • what is the capacity of the LTM?
    • what is the encoding of the LTM?
      Semantic memories
    • what is the duration of the LTM?
    • what is a criticism to the MSM?
      assumes all short term memories and long term memories are the same
    • what does MSM stand for?
      multi store model
    • what are declarative memories?
      things you know you know and can explain
    • what are non-declarative memories?
      things you don't really know how you do it and can't explain
    • what are episodic memories?
      Personal events or experiences.
    • what is the strength of episodic memories dictated by?
      the emotional response during encoding
    • what do episodic memories have?
      time stamp
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