Distance: is length between twopoints. It is a scalar quantity. The SI unit is meter
Displacement: the shortest distance between two points. The SI unit is meter. It is a vector quantity.
Speed:Distance moved by the body in unit time. The SI unit is meterspersecond
Uniformspeed: is the speed the where the body covers equal distances in unit time.
Averagespeed: is defined as the total distance travelled divided by the total time taken.
Variable speed: is the speed of a body moving between two points with different speeds
Instantaneousspeed: is the speed of a body at a particular time
Velocity: is the speed of a body in a specific displacement in unit time or the rate of change in displacement. The SI unit m/s. It is a vector quantity
Averagevelocity: is defined as the total displacement divided by the time taken
Acceleration: is the change in velocity in unit time or the rate of change of velocity. The SI unit is m/s2. It is a vectorquantity
Deceleration: is when the velocity of a body decreases uniformly.