More than 200 languages spoken in Manchester
Historical attraction of people to Manchester since the Industrial Revolution
Large-scale immigration starting with Irish migrants and followed by Jewish migrants
Migrants arriving in the UK due to war, persecution, civil unrest, or to escape poverty
Settlement patterns of different migrant groups in Manchester
Massive increase in migration from Eastern Europe by 2004
Population growth in Manchester between 2011 and 2021
Higher population growth in Manchester compared to the North West between 2011 and 2021
Reasons for migration into Manchester including education opportunities and high-tech industries
Development of opportunities for graduates leading to growth in services and housing
Increase in the median age in Manchester from 2011 to 2021
Growth of music and culture opportunities in Manchester
Growth in the population over the age of 50 in Manchester
Impact of the Metrolink development on migration and housing in Manchester
Multi-ethnic population in Manchester with a quarter from non-white minority backgrounds
Settlement of Pakistani, Indian, Chinese, African, and African Caribbean communities in Manchester
Origin and expansion of Chinatown in Manchester
Creation of Chinese-run businesses and cultural institutions in Manchester
Manchester's Chinatown being one of the largest in Europe
Events in Manchester's Chinatown at certain times of the year