
Cards (13)

  • esophageal hiatus allows the esophagus to connect to the stomach
  • The mucosa of the stomach is made of simple columnar consisting of goblet cells
  • The cells also form these gastric pits lined with gastric glands
  • Mucous surface cells are the simple columnar cells at the top and they produce mucous that protects the stomach
  • Parietal cells are located at the lower ducts and secrete HCl and intrinsic factor which is required to absorb B12
  • Chief cells secrete pepsinogen an inactive pepsin
  • Enteroendocrine cells secrete hormones that diffuse into nearby vessels, this is an endocrine gland
  • The stomach works as storage because we eat fast than we can digest and absorb
  • The stomach produces chyme by mixing the food with water and gastric juices.
  • The layers of smooth muscle in the stomach churn, physically breaking down the food into smaller particles
  • In addition to churning the presence of HCl denutres the proteins and kills bacteria.
  • Proteins are broken down by pepsin and in the stomach chief cells produce pepsinogen to protect the stomach. Soon after the stomach will produce mucus
  • The pyloric sphincter closes and only lets out a certain amount of chyme at a time.