Safety Tips; a state of being safe and away from harm or danger
Safety Tips; precaution that is taken in order to ensure that something is safe and not dangerous
Fitness Exercise Safety Tips:
FluidIntake and Replacement
MovementExperiences and Posture
Proper Clothing; wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes that let you move freely and are lightweight enough to release body heat.
Light - Colored Clothing; wear when exercising outdoors in high temperatures.
Dress in Removable Layers; wear when exercising in cold weather
Tops must cover shoulders, stomach and back
Shorts must come to mid-thigh or below, no exceptions
No cut-off shirts, jeans, boots, or open-toed shoes
Exercise leggings are permitted
Fluid Intake and Replacement; you need to drink fluid during exercise to replace fluids you lose when you sweat.
FluidIntake and Replacement; Drink enough water to prevent dehydration and heat injury.
FluidIntake; before, during, and after
Before Exercise; 14-22 oz of fluid 2 hours before exercise
During Exercise; 6-12 oz of water or sports drink every 15-20 minutes of exercise
After Exercise; 16-24 oz of water or sports drink for every pound of body mass lost during exercise
Movement Experiences and Posture; Good posture must allow rapid and smooth transition into the next movement
Movement Experiences and Posture; Regular Exercise in the forest not only strengthens our immune system, but also increases our well-being
MovementExperiences and Posture; Poor posture is not an isolated incident. It's often an indication of weak core muscles and further affects how well you retain form during exercise
Movement Experiences and Posture; Long term, maintaining proper posture may help lessen the number of exercise-related injuries you experience and can support consistent progress with posture