Self-report measures are often used to measure personality traits, attitudes or mood states.
A self report questionnaire is a paper based method that asks participants to answer questions about themselves
The researcher must be aware that the participants may not always tell the truth
An interview is an oral conversation between the researcher and participant where they ask questions and record answers
Structured interviews have set questions with predetermined responses which allows for easy analysis but may not allow for flexibility
Interviews can be structured (prepared) or unstructured (not prepared)
Structured interviews have set questions with predetermined responses which makes it easier to analyse data but less flexible as there's no room for discussion
Unstructured interviews do not have set questions so it can be more flexible but harder to analyse data as there will be no clear structure
Unstructured interviews allow more flexibility so the interviewee can express their thoughts freely however this means its harder to compare results from different people
Participant observation is when the observer becomes part of the group being observed
Unstructured interviews are more flexible as there is no set structure so it's easier to explore topics further
Observation involves watching people without them knowing and recording what happens
Unstructured interviews are more flexible, allowing for discussion on any relevant topics however this means its harder to analyse data
A semi-structured interview has some set questions but also allows for flexibility, making it easier to analyse than an unstructured interview
Participant observation means the observer becomes part of the group being observed
Questionnaires are written documents containing closed and open ended questions used by researchers to collect information from large groups of people
Closed questions only require yes/no answers or multiple choice options
A semi-structured interview has some set questions but also includes open ended questions that are asked by the researcher, allowing them to explore topics further.
Semi-structured interviews give participants freedom to discuss what they want while still having a framework to follow
Non-participant observation is where the researcher does not become involved in the situation they are observing
Advantages of participant observation include that participants feel comfortable around the researcher, making them more likely to act naturally and accurately represent themselves
In participant observation, the researcher may become friends with participants and gain trust over time
Disadvantages of participant observation include that the researcher might influence behaviour by acting differently than usual
Structured interviews involve asking pre-set questions with fixed answers which makes analysis easy but limits exploration of other areas
Disadvantage of participant observation is that the researcher might influence behaviour by becoming part of the group
Semistructured interview involves using a framework of questions but allows flexibility so that new ideas can be explored
Unstructured interviews allow researchers to explore topics freely but make it difficult to analyse data as there is no set structure
Unstructured interviews allow researchers to explore topics freely without being restricted by set questions or prompts
Covert observation can lead to unethical behaviour as researchers may lie about who they are and why they are there
Participants may change their behaviour because they know they're being observed
Participants may be less aware of being observed if it's done covertly (without their knowledge)
Participants may change their behaviour when aware they're being watched
Disadvantages of participant observation include that it may be difficult to remain impartial as the observer becomes part of the group being observed
Content analysis involves identifying patterns within textual material such as newspapers or social media posts
Unstructured interviews are open ended and allow interviewees to talk about what they want without any set structure or agenda
Advantages of structured interviews are that they're quick and cheap to administer and have high reliability because all interviewees answer same questions
Advantages of unstructured interviews are that they allow participants to express themselves fully, making them more naturalistic and less artificial.
Advantages of semistructured interviews are that they're flexible and allow for more detailed responses