The duration sensory register is less than 1/2 second
Which 2 psychologists devised the multi-store model of memory?
Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin
The sensory register contains 5 stores, name one that receives sound
The sensory register contains 5 stores, name 1 that receives visual information

What is the key process required for information to travel from the sensory register to the short-term memory store
Information can remain in the STM store for quite a long time if we keep repeating it to ourselves. What process is this?
What is the main type of coding used in the STM?
What is the main type of coding used in LTM store?
Clive wearing suffered brain damage and he had amnesia, he greets his wife as if they were newlyweds 20 years on as Clive cannot remember her even if she left to make a cup of tea, he can still play the piano though
Clive wearing's semantic memory was unaffected but his episodic memory was affected
Clive Wearing supports different memory stores in LTM
Strength- studies show STM and LTM are different
Baddeley, mix up acoustically similar words in STM and words with similar meaning in LTM
clearly independent stores useful model
weakness- evidence of more than 1 STM store
KF had amnesia, STM for digits is poor when read out loud but better when he read it himself
MSM is wrong, more than one store, model is simplistic
Weakness-prolonged rehearsal not needed in LTM
Type not amount of rehearsal is important
MSM doesn't explain how LTM storage is achieved
The sensory register is the first store in the MSM that information passes through