Pathogenic mechanisms of left sided heart failure: CAD, hypertension, arrhythmias, anemia, hyperthyroidism, alcoholism, aortic stenosis and CRF
Pathogenic mechanisms that cause right sided heart failure: COPD(emphysema/Cor Pulmonale), pulmonary embolism, pulmonic stenosis, valve disease and pericardial constriction
top 3 pertinent questions of the OPQRST: can you point to where it hurts, does your pain get worse with exertion and does your pain get better with rest
ask questions about smoking and family hx of MIs if you don't have any PMHx
Clinical features of CHF: dyspnea/orthopnea, tachypnea/RR >25, increased WOB, hypoxia, JVD and bilateralcrackles on auscultation
Acute causes of LHF are acute hypertension/flash pulmonaryembolism, non compliance of med orders and excessive salt and fluid intake
Primarily listening for these 3 things on auscultation: crackles, wheezing and congestion
To differentiate between pneumonia and pulmonary edema, auscultate and determine if its dependent or isolated
For ACPE always inquire about how the PT is sleeping at night or if they have paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
if a PT has a heart rate over 160, their coronary arteries aren't being perfused; why NTG is contraindicated in those cases
The crackles sound is caused by fluid disrupting the surfacetension and crushing alveoli
Fine crackles are in the bases while coarse is near major airways
The congestion sound is caused by mucus and it's thick and sticky
Isolated crackles are indications of infections
Dependent crackles is influenced by gravity or positioning of the patient
ChronicRenalFailure(CRH): PT can't piss so there's fluid overload or they piss too much and nothing's filtered
Bilateral crackles differentiate heart failure from pneumonia
Ascites can cause fluid to press against the diaphragm to increase SOB
For onset ask if it started suddenly or over a long period of time
Levels of severity won't help narrow down your diagnosis but will give you insight
Patients with heart failure rarely have pain on inspiration
If PT is coughing or has had a cough, ask if its productive or not
Pink/Frothy sputum indicates heartfailure or alveolar issues
For COPD ask: speed of onset, history of recent illnesses, if they have a productive cough or worsening symptoms
Blood tinged sputum is indicative of pneumonia or a pulmonary embolism
Cardiac asthma presents with a CC of SOB. It is the spazzing of vessels which causes wheezing to be present on inspiration; must also decide whether to use NTG or Ventolin in these cases as it can be hard to differentiate this from asthma
Asthma is louder and a lot more central than cardiac asthma
Pneumonia is an isolated infection of one side of the lungs. It usually entails a hx of fevers and chills, productive cough of yellow/green/brown sputum and sometimes pleuritic chest pain.
Congestion is heard on auscultation for pneumonia
Sputum can be brown if PT has COPD and Pneumonia at the same time
Infections can cause vasodilation which drops BP. This a good differential for respiratory infections vs other things
In acute pulmonary embolism: there's rapid onset, PT is normovolemic and there's no changes to the heart structure
Managing HF involves: oxygenation(To standard), positioning(sitting them up), preload reduction(Give NTG) and reduce stress and promote rest(Do not ambulate/these are CTAS 1-2 patients)
In the ACPE directive the PT can be altered due to hypoxia that comes from moderate to severe SOB
In the ACPE directive, dosing is dependent on history, blood pressure and IV access
Cardiac ischemia and ACPE directives are not to be combined
AMI could be the cause of ACPE but ASA will likely be contraindicated bcuz of altered LOAs
Indications of ACPE is moderate to severerespiratorydistress and suspectedacutecardiogenicpulmonaryedema
Conditions for NTG for ACPE is that they must be 18 or older, HR must be 60 to 159 BPM and their SBP must be 100 or greater
Contraindications for NTG for ACPE: allergy or sensitivity to nitrates, Phosphodiesterase inhibitor use within the previous 48 hours and SBP drops by 1/3 of its initial value after NTG is given. Unlike cardiac ischemia, there is no contraindication of rightventricular MI