1. Autonomy of Neuron

Subdecks (1)

Cards (12)

  • Neuron - Nerve cell & primary functional unit of the nervous system
  • Dendrites - the thing where the neuron gets all its information; picking up signals from the other neurons
  • Chemical signals in the form of neurotransmitters are what's transmitted between neurons
  • Soma (cell body) - contains the nucleus which has the DNA or genetic material of the cell; interprets the neurotransmitters
  • Axon - Where the chemical signals are turned into Action Potential and sent to the axon terminals
  • Myelin Sheath - Surrounds the Axon and prevents the signal from degrading
  • Axon Terminals - Where neurotransmitters are released into the Synaptic gap
    1. Dendrite
    2. Soma
    3. Axon
    4. Node
    5. Axon Terminal
    6. Schwann Cell
    7. Myelin Sheath
    8. Nucleus