Extensive double layer membrane that encloses ovaries, uterine tubes and uterus
Ovarian ligament
Extends from lateral wall of uterus to medial ovary surface
Suspensory ligament
Extends from lateral wall of ovaries to pelvic wall
Single layer of cuboidal epithelium overlying tunica albuginea
Uterus shape
small and pear shaped weighing 20-40 g
Uterus function
Protection, nutrition and removing waste from embryo
Uterus stability
By the broad ligament, uterosacral (uterus - sacrum), Round ligament (extends anteriorly through inguinal canal) and lateral (cardinal which extends to lateral wall of pelvis)
The fundus is superiorly placed to the uterus compared to the cervix which is in an inferior location
Uterus is made of 3 layers :
Peritoneum, Myometrium and Endometrium
A muscle that helps in contractions to get baby out of vagina or sperm into egg
Endometrium layers and function
Contains glands and vessels to support fetus
Is divided into a basal layer (contains endometrial glands)
Functional zone (where most uterine glands are made of simple epithelium )
Another name for the Endometrium
Decidual reaction
A reaction that develops an environment in the uterus for the embryo to develop
What happens in the decidual reaction ?
stroma of endometrium becomes oedumatous (watery)
Fibroblasts expand and fill with glycogen
What impacts the decidual reaction
Receptivity of the endometrium which is dependent on the adhesionmolecules interacting with the trophectoderm on the blastocyst ( cell developing ) and possible appearance of pinopoid.
What is the endometriums' blood supply is supposed to be like ?
That it is tonically active
It is is made of arcuate arteris and spinal arteries
during menses spinal arteries get lost and to prevent blood drainage the arteries undergo spasm (contractions), and since the arteries grow very rapidly they get their coiled like shape.
closest to to ovary with fimbria with cilia to middle segment
increase thickness in smooth layer where fertilisation usually occurs.
continuous with intramural portion of uterus
Fallopian tube structure
ciliated and non-cilliated columnar cells with mucosa layered with smooth muscle
Movement in fallopian tube are :
made of ciliary movements and peristaltic contractions.
has an endocervical continuous with the uterus made of layer columnar epithelium
Cervix has
The endo and ecto cervix leading to vagina made of stratified squamous epithelium and both meet at a junctional zone.
The cervix functions to secrete mucus to permit sperm in for fertilization and prevent sperm in when not fertile. It also prevents infections, retain fetus and thins and dilates to allow fetus out.
An elastic tube extending from cervix to vestibule
Its function
to have a passageway for menstrual fluids, intercourse and birth.
Vagina structure
Made of smooth muscle, moistened by cervical glands and lined by stratified squamous epithelium
Functions to do blood,gas,heat and antibody exchange along with secretions, immunological separation between mom and baby functions
Cycle of a growing placenta to pregnancy
Umbilical cord
formed from yolk sac + allantois and has 2 arteries with 1 vein and covered by Wharton's jelly to protect cord from coiling
The definitive human placenta
Discoid , Haemochorial, Invasive, Decidual and villous
Anchoring villi
cytotrophoblast break through sync-tio-trophoblast and stream out with maternal tissue to decidua and spiral arteries during 1st and second trimesters
Floating villi
Most dont have maternal contact and are in the intervillous space for exchange
Implantations under the decidua is basalis, over the decidua is capsularis and around the decidua is peritalis.